Off topic: kay copy this link
but without the brackets then go to edit profile. next go down to the bottom of the page and there should be a box like the profile one exept alot smaller. then paste this link into that box and after 90 days (3 months) you will get your sig
On topic: the alien was creeping slowly down the shaft of the vent. By the time he got down to the actual hive he was completly healed. The alien was comfortable in the cool damp hive that has been on this moon for millenia. He hissed in delight to see many new hosts from the colony the humans had been trying to establish on the moon. He went up to one of the hosts that were strung up unable to move. The colonist was looking away with his eyes shut. then he erupted in a screaming way as a new generation of xenomorphs was born. Once the chestburster had hid away somewhere in the hive. the alien went up close to the lifeless colonist and took his inner jaw feeding delightfully on the snack.