skull_ripper, Human, 11 years ago

@concretehunter: that's some sick shit dude.
@DarkLioness: Be gentle, its my first time being mutilated or eaten.

DarkLioness, Human, 11 years ago

Hmmm...ok maybe I will be.

Now all I need is a human.

concretehunter, Human, 11 years ago

Predator of-course!

Voltage-3000, Human, 11 years ago

skim over it quick, it sounds like rape

-Bloo-, Human, 11 years ago

This is actually good - the Predator's reasoning for boarding the ship is to help aid in prison break rather than just going along for the hunt like they always do.

One of Michaels' experiments may have very well been seeing what would happen if you put a Facehugger on a Predator instead of a human, which was the experiment that gave birth to this incarnation of FireHunter.

Blizzard, Human, 11 years ago

Meh saying an alien is sadistic is like saying a banana is yellow
@bloo If you cant survive having the chestburster out how come ripley clone survived ?

concretehunter, Human, 11 years ago

Wait so i did something that made the plot make more sense? BONUS!

Voltage-3000, Human, 11 years ago

we know nothing of the predator for all we know he is dishonored for being captured and needs to be slain if discovered... maybe ill go the neutral way and just be here for the fight and destroy the abominations in the labs....who knows....

remember tho anyone chasing the young bloods ill go after... just to make things fair

concretehunter, Human, 11 years ago

Straight to the bestiality Bloo? Is that a new record?

Edit: I'm the captured Predator, Humans wouldn't capture me for Honor code ect... They did it for a host for a facehugger.

-Bloo-, Human, 11 years ago

It's never too early to stick your dick in things that aren't human. It's just common sense, really.

Voltage-3000, Human, 11 years ago

well then your a lab rat, an experiment they could have learned secrets about you

concretehunter, Human, 11 years ago

If you read the Logs from AvP2 in the predator mission it will tell you about how when you try to take a Predators wrist comp off a toxin is injected into them by the wrist comp sending them into cardiac arrest.

Blizzard, Human, 11 years ago

I was laughing at bloo post for what seemed like forever until I realised I would heve probobly done the s.... never mind
Anywway I hereby give Bloo the medal

Voltage-3000, Human, 11 years ago

which you should have used!!!

DarkLioness, Human, 11 years ago

I'll have my post up by morning hopefully, I'm kinda busy writing a short story for Lover of Darkness.

gamefreak33797, Human, 11 years ago

Well, my post is up, and @Waralien, I am no longer in that room, I am on an air chute heading to some unknown level, you could just say that you could smell that I was there at some point.

Waralien, Human, 11 years ago

Alrighty, editing my post

Blizzard, Human, 11 years ago

Might have another post up later ...probably

skull_ripper, Human, 11 years ago

@DarkLioness: im going to continue on with my characters exploration of the station, let me know when you've found the human to eat/mutilate.

Peterson, Human, 11 years ago

Hunk before i completely kick you out of this RPG, do yourself and everyone else a favor and go read the rules, more specificly the rules regarding RPGs..., twice i have had to delete your posts, Stop posting one line responses. Next time im going to remove you from the RPG.