12 years ago
As soon as jessejames raised his voice, Dark sprinted away and laid prone on the ground, in the safety of the grass, he saw a marine walk outside grumbling, Dark picked up a rock, he threw it to his right and he heard the marine sprint towards the sound of the rock hitting the ground, Dark slowly prowled behind the marine when *BING* BING* BING* The marine's motion tracker sounded and the marine immediately turned around, Dark flashed the visor on his Bio mask a shade of lime green. The marine gasped and sprinted towards the warehouse, However he was in vain as Dark grabbed the marine's mouth from behind and stabbed him in the heart, The marine was clearly screaming at the top of his lungs, as he withdrew his wrist blades, The marine's body collapsed on the ground, dead and pupils dilated, Dark skinned the body of the marine and hung it from the warehouse torch at the top of the door, Suddenly, A shrill cry was heard, The Serpent's cry meant business, it has smelled blood, fresh blood, Its hunger was too great, Dark switched his vision modes and saw them coming, He then jumped on top of the warehouse and watched the Serpents break into the warehouse.