DrDiabloSatan vs Gaunt

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

DrDiabloSatan, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

The planet is Elmephias Prime. The climate is that of hell. With temperatures reaching 340 degrees, only a Xenomorph could inhabit this planet with out the worry of being baked alive. The planet crust looked as if it was going to just fall away into complete magma at any moment. Zomorphas had crashed here only a few days ago when he took over a Marine ship. Unfortunately he didn't know how to fly it so he crashed onto this desolate planet, he had survived the last few days by eating the remains of the Marines killed in the crash which he had finished up earlier that day meaning if he didn't get off the planet within a week or two he would starve to death. Little did Zomorphas know a chestbuster had been hiding away aboard the ship in the cargo bay. The chestbuster had been crushed in the crash and has been regenerating in the cargo bay since. "Fe..e..d." The chestbuster said to itself. It was time for it to go find something to regenerate its nutrients and proteins... Anything would do for it, even one of its own kind.

Off topic: Is that a good way to start the battle?

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Off Topic:

Yes, very nice, you have created a setting that is simple and also makes sense, along with a creative story line (hahah, so Gaunt needs to resort to canabalism in order to survive aye, I like it.)

Very good, I will just say that whenever you next plan a fight try to avoid damaging either yourself or your opponent in the opening story line, as it can lead to what some people see as a biased and unfair match. You'll always have plenty of time to injure your foe in the match.

Try to keep your text spaced out, so you and others can better understand it.

It's a good attempt for your first time, well done :)


This ship wasn't going to be his grave, he had been too far for it to end like this.

Gaunts cracked and bloodied form pulsed on the burnt, metalic floor below him, laying coiled in the small storage room that he had inhibited, of the now strewn weckage of the ship.

His mind raced over certain factors, how long had it been since he had eaten? He was sleeping for quite some time, it was worrying. Gaunt knew that he needed to feed, in order to ensure his full survival at any rate.

That his body had already started to repair itself, he was quite relieved, but he needed nurishment, and with no local sources available he began to scout, he began to hunt, searching the pheromones in the air for his closest victims, if any, that were still alive.

He would find anything, eat anything, and with any luck, in time, a salvage team would come, searching for the downed ship to grease their grubby palms. That would be his exit strategy, to freedom from this place and a planet with a decent populace.

Raising his body from its twisted and aching slumber he started to move, scanning the area for pheromone trails as he went. With any luck a corpse would hopefully still be intact somewhere, bloody and charred, it wouldn't be long.

He scuttled down to the ships main corridoor, the mess hall could be a promising start.

DrDiabloSatan, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Off topic: yeah but I had to make it work because two xenomorphs from the same clan fighting doesn't really make since. But you can find a corpse and replenish to 100 percent health and we won't count it as your one time health regeneration :)

On topic: Zomorphas had been searching for a corpse to snack on for the past two hours. But so far he couldn't even find the leftover limbs he had stashed in the ventilation system. It was as if someone or something had taken them but last time he checked he couldn't remember picking up on anything's scent other than the corpses and himself.

He reared up on his hind legs and curled his lips to inhale and hopefully pickup a scent.Then he heard a voice down on the lower levels of the ship. He thought it sounded like a hiss warning him to stay away. But he was the only Xenomorph on the planet, the only living thing on the planet right?

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Off topic: I think this will make a nice story line now, I almost though this fight might not work (though I always like a challenge).

Ahah, yes, Xenomorph regeneration has its perks :)

Sorry for the wait.


Deep down in the bowles of the ship Gaunt twisted and stretched in agony.

Apparentally he had misjudged, the damage to his body was far more severe than he had initially though. Though he was regenerating and would easily live through his injuries the process was slow and painful, with inturnal injuries of unknown curcumstance which turned his existence into a living hell.

He screeched in pain as the nerves down his back were fired off once more, burning underneath his exoskeletal skin like small balls of fire, that, regardless of all his attempts to relax and control, couldn't be put out.

His whole body ached and shook with pain, screeched and hissed loudly, in a monsterous tone that none, not even himself, had ever heard, clawing at the metal walls and floor around with chattering claws as he did.

Gaunt was going mad with pain, it was unbearable to stay motionless, his mind raced and cracked over and over again as he struggled to hold on. The tortued Chestbursters mind snapped, the signals that shot through its body changing its outlook, telling his body to resort to its most insecure and violent impulses, letting go of much of its self control and perceptive reliability and making it unable to tell from living or dead, real or fake, friend or foe.

Until Gaunts body had healed completely and the mind bending pain bent from his body were gone there would be no garantee of safety, for anyone or anything around him, not even himself. Gaunt had resorted to his most dangerous state, where he held a basic and singular intelligence through his link and bond with The Hive he had overwritter, allowing himself to focus purely on survival, with a blind fury driven on by his originally crippling condition.

Gaunt raced around and climbed, assending the levels of the ship at a fantastic and almost impossible speed, he searched for everything and nothing, he was simply buying time and it would mean alot of trouble for anything that entered his hazed and waxing vision.

As he ripped along the floor onto one of the main transport corridoors he spotted something new, rushing fowards, screeching with discontent Gaunt as he charged head first towards this this new entity down the empty and open hall of the ship, an unfortunate Xenomorph brother of his, who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

DrDiabloSatan, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Zomorphas could hear something screeching in both pain and rage. He had wanted to investigate but the sound of claws on metal told him he would soon find out. Then a loud thud that shook the floor beneath him. Another, and another, the sound went on for what seemed a matter of hours. He could see the solid steel floor infront of him bending upwards.

Then something burst up through the floor. It wasn't as big as it had sounded but it was enough to frighten Zomorphas when it landed 20 feet from him making a loud, sickening crunching sound as it landed on bones of a marine. Staring each other down with non excisting eyes, they waited. The creature shot forwards with tremendous speed. It hit the sunlight flashing through a hole in the hull of the ship and Zomorphas could see that is was a chestbuster.

He was dumb struck this chestbuster was charging a much bigger fully grown warrior Xenomorph and a brother at that. He was not paying attention to the distance between them which cost him. Zomorphas attempted to dive out of the way but was caught directly in the stomache with the chestbusters head. Zomorphas did a flip over the chestbuster and landed hard on his back. The chesbuster had now turned to charge again.

Zomorphas jumped up just in time to jump over the creature and grab it's tail, he slung the adolecent Xenomorph out of the hallway and into a very spaceous room.

Off topic: Tis fine I was doing homework for most of the night anyway. And again I apologize if my sparring technique is not good but believe me im trying my best haha.

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Off topic: Your sparring technique is very good, you've kept the plot of the story continuous and realistic, keep it going :)


His body jolted up from its landing place, almost instantaniously, at the back wall of a void and spaceless room, screeching and hissing in a violotile and sporadic manner that threatened to strane and fry his vocals at any moment.

Gaunt overturned himself, rolling from his back to his belly, slavering uncontrollably, his exoskeletal frame had simply absorbed the shock of the impact, bouncing him off the wall like a tennis ball off a court net.

How his body was ever going to repair through his wild and deadly mind set, it's not certain, things worked in Xenomorph physiology, and indeed mentality, that nobody could ever even comprehend, yet alone understand. Only time would heal his wounds, though how much was needed, that was uncertain.

As the hulking Warrior entered the room clanking its claws on the hard metalic floor and framing around, it let out a surprising and piercing hiss, aimed at Gaunts general location. Whether this was a warning or a threat it cannot be certain, what was certain is that it was so loud that it refracted and reverbarated off the walls of the room that they both inhibited, bouncing back to the vigilant Warrior who stood in the door way like a rock set in stone, preparing itself for a storm.

The message, with no clear intent, had obviously passed Gaunts ears completely. The Chestburter sprinted towards the Warrior, its claws ripping up and down across the steel below in a frantic and unstable movement, its tail shaked and waved as though it had sentience and a mind of its own, his mouth gaped mindlessly open, slavering everything it passed in resinous drool.

As Gaunt closed the distance his body jumped forwards with malicious intent, towards his brother, the Warrior in the doorway, the Chestbursters body leaping towards his as though it were a rock being lobbed at a great target, tooth and claw raised to strike lethal blows at any possible moment, his tail, his body, hanging in reserve, ready to coil its fearless prey.

DrDiabloSatan, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Zomorphas was shocked that the Chestbuster hadn't took a breather. He realized that this creature must have mutated overtime and was more strong than a normal Chestbuster, a true glance of admiration flicked in his mind this monster had survived for who knows how long still in his adolescent stage of the Xenomorph life cycle.

Now the creature was running towards him again, in blind furry he could tell from the way it was moving and it's tail thrashing. It was out for blood, and by the looks of it, plenty of it. This fearless creature lunged at Zomorphas and scrathed down his head. Blood spewed from the injury as the Chestbuster wrapped it's arms around Zomorphas's neck and it's tail around his body. Launching both back into the now weak wall just across from the door way. It was ripping and tearing away at Zomorphas's hulking body.

Zomorphas knew that this Chestbuster would rip him apart if he didn't get it off of him soon. This Chestbuster had seen many a battle and knew what it was doing. But the pure rage running through it was making it's judgment cloudy. Zomorphas grabbed it's tail and pulled with all of his might. It ripped the Chestbuster off of him taking a chunk of flesh with it in it's gaping mouth. Zomorphas grasped the Chestbuster by it's small but bulking neck and swung it into the wall causing it to crumble under the sheer force of the blow. Still thrashing and biting into his arm the Chestbuster seemed to not be affected by the trauma of breaking through a steel wall.

Zomorphas let go of the Chestbuster and it fell 30 feet to the rocky surface of the planet below. Zomorphas jumped down after the Chestbuster intending to crush it's skull underneath his foot but it retracted before he could complete his objective.

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

A reckless, unstable Xenomorph and an unstable planet never mixed well, and this planet was literally falling apart.

As he fell through the freshly made breach in the metalic wall of the craft Gaunt threw up a dust storm. His bodys frantically squirmed and tossed around on the ground, the movement unsettling everything around him, kicking up the corse, loose substance of the earth, expelling it in huge and blinding quantities everywhere.

As the Warrior jumped down to crush him under his heel Gaunts body whirled back once more, jolting backwards and almost straight into the molten magma rock that lay behind him, his tail dangling over the steamed liquidation as he halted with an uneasy muscular spasm.

His body wasn't getting anywhere, time, something that wasn't going to happen, that's what he'd need if he were to recover, instead he fought with his own Brother, who was ignorant of his situation.

A hulking Warrior infront, magma behind, he just attacked the one with the most meat.

Gaunt charged the Warrior head on, with an odd muscular movement that even seemed alien for a Xenomorph, sprinting at it once more in a blind and antagonistic move. He could see the Warrior preparing to counter, the dust raised around both of them, the Chestburster leaped forwards, the Warrior lunged forwards in retaliation.

The ground beneath them had started to crack at an alarming rate.

DrDiabloSatan, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Zomorphas realized to late the ground underneath him and the Chestbuster was crumbling, he had leapt at the Chestbuster in shear instinct. As the two were flying through the air the Chestbuster threw it's tail at Zomorphas at incredible speed, it was to fast and ripped through his right shoulder. They collided into each other Zomorphast grabbed the Chestbuster by the throat squeezing and slamming it to the ground. The Chestbuster let out a shriek of pain as it broke through the ground sending both Xenomorphs deeper into the planet.

A small piece of rock about 45 feet across had not yet been consumed by the massive sea of magma that was rushing underneath the planet's crust. The two Xenomorphs fell about 30 feet until they struck this small piece of land.

The Chestbuster ripped it's tail from Zomorphas's shoulder, taking with it chunks of flesh and blood. The acid slowly began to eat through the land that they were standing on. The Chestbuster had jumped back about 15 feet the two stared each other down, both accessing the next move of it's enemy. The Chestbuster ran towards Zomorphas again, it leapt at him.

Zomorphas had been anticipating this and swiftly turned to the side avoiding the Chestbuster's claws by a mere few inches. The adolescent Xenomorph let out a small shriek of rage that it had missed a killing blow. Zomorphas thrust his tail and wrapped it around the Chestbuster's leg and lifted it over his head and slammed it to the ground. And stabbed his tail through its arm.

The ground beneath them began to crack once again.

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

The Warriors tale sliced into Gaunt, the tails mass being far superior to that of the little, montionless arm which lay pinned to the clod of earth below, acidic blood leaked down once again, quickly burning away at the already crumbling and unstable rock that held them up.

Gaunt screeched in pain once more as the he lay pinned down, thrashing around in a nerval spasm, splattering his blood everywhere in the process. Clawing at the Warriors tail with his free arm Gaunt released himself as he sliced through some of the exoskeletal flesh, sending the Warrior reeling, pulling his tail back to prevent further damage.

The damage had, however, already been done between these two beasts, the delicate disc of earth that kept them both afloat above the sea of magma split in two from the acid which had weakened and eaten at it, seperating the two Xenos as they drifted apart on parallel heaps.

As the distance between them increased, the still twisting and agonising mindless Gaunt hissed once more as he charged forwards, towards the Warrior direction again, diving straight into the fiery ocean of magma as he did. It only had seconds before it would start to boil him alive, but seconds were all he needed.

jo53, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Off topic: is it ok if i change the scene to pandorum tell me if it great or not.
on topic: when jock looked at the mystieryous blue cat looken creature he onederd what he was hunting
could this be the creature the elder was talking about ..
..let the hunt begin

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Hello there jo53.

I understand that you want to get into everything, you wan't to join a clan, to fight other members, but before that, please take the time to get yourself sorted.

Firstly please read the site rules (click the blue text).

After you have read the rules you can begin, if you would like to join a clan you may go to the clan recruitment topic, if you would like to fight other members you can request one at the fight topic.

If you have any problems please feel free to ask the moderators of the site at the ask a mod topic.

This fight is only between me and DrDiabloSatan, you may not join in this battle. That go's for all the other battles that are present in the sparring chamber.

Any problems feel free to ask.

DrDiabloSatan, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Gaunt I appologize for my absence I have been in some deep shit lately but do not fear I will be on in a short amount of time. And we shall finish this battle.

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

No worries DrDiabloSatan, take your time and feel free to resolve any problems/tasks you may have.

We can continue this any time you'd like.

DrDiabloSatan, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Zemorphas had seen the young Chestbuster plunge itself into the magma. He thought that it was crazy this creature had risked taking more damage just to get to Zemorphas. He had lost sight of the adolescent Xenomorph but he could still pick up slightly on his scent although its acidic blood running through the magma was also being picked up and he couldn't exactly make out where the creature was.

Just as Zemorphas was about to give up the bastard jumped from the magma and on to Zemoprhas's chest ripping and tearing into him Zemorphas knew if he didn't get this creature off of him it would rip him apart. The creature scratched down his face tearing open a wound that would certainly leave a scar. Leaving a huge gash down his face was unacceptable Zemorphas grabbed the Xenomorph's bad arm and it's bulking body and pulled with all of his might.

Gaunt, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Gaunt screeched as he tore and trembled franticly in the Warriors arms, he hissed, he scratched and shook like mad as he fought against the grasp that held him.

Feeling his body being crushed and ripped apart in the vice like grip of his opponent, Gaunt screamed in an un-hallowed fashion of pain and excitement, madness and despair. He felt his arm being ripped from it's socket, in which he squirmed and twitsted in a violent and destructive manner, biting into his foes right arm.

As he pulled away and fell with a huff, his foe flinching back to follow it's own instincts of self preservation, it was too late. The rock underneath them cracked in two, seperating the Xeno's on different platforms.

Gaunt rushed madly forwards, his mind still racing and incomprehensably mis-judgemental, submerging and burning the stub of his tail in the magma below. As the restless creature shook around, trapped on the little deposite of rock that held him to life, he snarled and snapped at his unrecognisable Brother, who grew further and further from view over the long, red sea.

Gaunt drifted away under the planets crust for days, he slept little, ate nothing, thrusted and groaned in agony as the isolation tormented him throughtout what seemed, to him, as endless eons.

Smoke rises from the giant craters, the fissures of the planet, the fissures of hell, a bloody and crushed claw emerged, the burster, the chestburster, rising from the planets harshest realm, clambering from the core.

A lone ship was spotted in the distance, landing with a compliment of scientists and geologists.

It will never end.


That was a nice battle Diablo, I loved how the story panned out, tricky though it was to pull off, it's the fun of the game, you evediently know how to RP.

Congrats and good game ^_^

DrDiabloSatan, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Yes good game Gaunt very fun and entertaining. Thank you for taking the time and patience to sparr with me. :)