Deathdrop! Reveal thyself, foul villain!
15 years ago
Behold, I have returned. And in what state do I discover our fair kingdom? In ruin! I have witnessed shambles where once stood mighty towers shimmering in the sunlight! I smell the foul stench of those twin demons of death and rot! And what carries on the legacy of our past glories? What has our "Lord Protector", the insufferable Deathdrop, seen fit to build in place all that has been lost?
My countrymen, I say only what so many of you think: Our betraying moderator has built a dung-heap and called it a kingdom! How shall I express my rage? Are there words enough to make known my contempt, my fury, my undying hatred for the one known as Deathdrop? Perhaps not.
Perhaps the Ancients, in their eternal wisdom, thought it unwise to compose a language that would allow men to spit at one another with such infinite malice as I now feel for our foul betrayer! Perhaps it is for the best that our native tongue lacks sufficient evil properly humble one such as wretched Deathdrop. Perhaps it is impossible for to pay him equal insult for the horrors he was wrought on our land.
But I will try, my brothers. I will try.
DEATHDROP! You who were once called moderator of our land! You who have abandoned your duties! You who have fallen from grace the way Lucifer himself fell from Paradise! You DARE to banish I, the finest of Assassins, from this land that is my home?
Mark my words, traitor... You are no man. You and all your kind are but beasts! You are no different from the cows that grant us milk, or the ass which pulls our plows! Indeed, you are even less! Filthy though they may be, at least such beasts provide us with goods for trade; you give us only further anguish!
The milk you produce is poison! The plow you pull spoils the land so that nothing more may grow there! You ruin us with your foolish arrogance! Being overrun by another kingdom's army would be the sweetest of mercies next to your blind rape and pillage of our once-faultless domain!
If I am to banished, so be it! From you, it is the highest of honors! I would rather die in the merciless wilderness than watch as my beloved land is further blasphemed against! Fare thee well, foul Deathdrop. Even the fires of eternal damnation would be too good for a villain such as yourself.
Love, assassin.
PS: ur mom is teh gay.