Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

HiD continued his slow advance, now completely lost. ‘Curse this storm!’ he yelled at the sky. That’s when the alien (NPC) pounced from the sand. A wave of sand crashed into HiD’s chest as the alien engaged. A savage rip was opened in HiD chest armour as the beast struck. Growling in pain, HiD managed to deflect the next strike, ‘its my turn’ he roared. HiD grabbed his combi-stick and launched into a series of blows, driving the alien back. With a final stab, he drove the combi-stick through the alien’s chest, the alien grabbed the combi-stick in defiance. Looking disgusted as his combi-stick started to melt, as the grinning alien was using its last strength to hold it. HiD kicked the alien in frustration ‘that was a good combi-stick damnit’. HiD continued his advance leaving the dead alien and now useless combi-stick behind.

This space for lease

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Shadow warrior scan all vision mods for prey and found few Humans i see crpl.Hick Shadow warrior is cloaked and scan base few mins later i jump high roof top and save few any weapons.Shadow warrior is thinking attack or stay cloaked on roof top scan for prey

Daemon how makes Trophy out of men

donut, Undefined, 18 years ago

(last post till 4 oclock USA eastern time)

A few hours later, AVPFREAK had still not recovered from most of his wounds, he wasnt quite able to move again, but at this moment he was sleeping, Donut decided not to wake him up but instead to go out and search for some food, this would increaes the rate in which he would recover. Donut quietly crawled over the sleeping xenomorphs and out to the exit of the cave, making sure she did not step in puddles of water so that she would not wake them. Donut popped her head outside of the cave and scaned the surrounding area for any threats, non were seen, she began to crawl up the crevice, as she pulled at the rock, pieces of rock and dirt fell on her face, she was constantly shaking her head attempting to wipe the grains off.

She had reached the top of the crevice and once again scanned all directions, still nothing was spotted, but Donut still carried picious feeling, there was bound to be something out there, just waiting for her to fall into some trap. Donut cautiously proceeded out into the open, torrents of wind blew dirt in every direction almost blinding her. She quickly made her way towards a large rock just a few yards away from the crevice she came from, her claws dug into the sandy granite of the ground as she sprinted to the rock, the sand she pulled up while running only added to the tornado of dust being blown by the wind.

It was almost unbearable, the rock was only a few yards away but nothing could be seen, it was like walking into a dark room with no flashlight, *CONK* Donut bonked her head against the rock, "GAHH!" Donut held her head, she had hit the rock with such force that it toppled over on the ground, but she still couldnt see it. Rubbing her head, Donut looked for the rock in front of her, she felt on the ground and slowly but surely touched an object, (this doesnt feel like a rock..) Donut thought as she continued to touch the object, (it feels like, flesh?) Donut looked closer and was able to see through the blinding cover of sand and realized that this was no rock, it was another yautja, (oh my goodness) Thought Donut, she had bonked right into a yautja, and luckily knocked it out, Donut though, didnt realize it was JUST knocked out, she believed that the creature was dead. (well at least we got some meat!)

Donut catapulted the creatute unto her back and proceeded to carry it into the crevice where her two brothers layed sleeping. About half way there, Donut started to feel a struggle, she turned around and noticed that the creature was waking up, out of shock Donut dropped the creature and pounced back in defense mode, the creature was up on its feet and ready for a fight, Donut ready'd her tails, and the fight began.

(Any predator that wants to fight me can tell me and we shall duel! BUT YE BE WARNED, dont you be posting attacks and killing me when i dont have a chance to post back >:C )

~i draw things...it is delicious~
~first female on teh site! w00t w00t!~

Kidd, Undefined, 18 years ago

Kidd flexed is arms to feel of any bones that were broken or the muscels stretch too far out or were jam in, they were not, Kidd looks up at Crpl. Hicks telling him that was unpleasant, for he is not a big fan of bein thrown around by a blast that can easily go through a human body like a hot metal through a stick of butter.

Kidd looked far off into the storm which the creature ran off to, he could barely see the green glow but it slowly diminishes while the sandstorm rages on with it's powerful winds. The sand from the ground were also picked up by the wind and sometime they landed within the ears of friends or foes alike for that the storm as no favorite when it comes to Wars. This effects the earing for the marines, for they need it the most, but their helmets and ear peices they have to go with their radio protected their ears the best the equipment can do for it's non-combat use.

"Hey! Hey Kidd, wake up man the fight is not over!", said a voice that was steadly growing, into the thoughts that Kidd was thinking. Kidd felt his shoulder pushed and he quickly turns to a Marine, it was Hicks and he was telling him to do what TDN as ordered them to do, turn on the Motion Tracker. Kidd lowered his gun and reached around his belt for his Tracker and turned it on. The Tracker still beeped in sign of a creature that attacked them but it was slowly retreating, but Kidd know that they'll be back, they know the blood of Humans and they'll will attack with no remorse while killing man, and then Kidd's thoughts slowly turn to the Children on Earth, what will happen to them if all the military were destroyed by these two spieces, how will man-kind survive and then Kidd snapped back into reality and said, "That is not goin to happen while we are still here fighting."

Kidd radioed TDN, for a go ahead to search for the building of lost scientist but TDN just decline for it is still too risky to go out into the sandstorm. He then told Kidd they will soon search the area for the survivors. Kidd replied about the storm might bury them alive, and TDN just come back with another logical reply, saying that they'll be safer if the building is buried under the sand, than in the sights of these relentless monster. Kidd agreed with TDN and stop the communication. Kidd looked up at Hicks and told him we are inoperable in this storm unless TDN changes his mind with a feeling he has in his gut about missions for it is a tale tell sign for what is about to happen in the mission if they don't act soon.

Kidd stepped out into the storm with out a worry because the sentry guns were online and they'll keep the enemy at bay for as long as their ammo don't run out. But Kidd still felt a little aware for he still remember that spear that flew at Karrigan and him back at the tent, was it a stray shot or a shot that fell short on it's it target for Kidd don't know what the long shafted pole was for but the range is what makes any soldier to be careful out in the field. Kidd signaled Hicks and wounded Karrigan to come out for it is clear. After they walked a little ways from him, Kidd acted as a rear guard making sure that anything wouldn't be a surprise. They slowly walked over to the Medical tent for further aid for Karrigan until the sound of a sentry gun fired some rounds into the swirling sands and Hicks walked out of the tent and told Kidd that they are testing the safety perimeter they have. Kidd just smiled and said, " Well those sons of -censor- stay on their side we will on ours unless TDN gives the orders to Search for those lost people." Hicks and Kidd, both soldiers in-clad in desert camo and armor looked out into the storm and hopes for the best for those people trapped in the building surrounded by the two speices of major threat.

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Look around each corner before you move because the chances are, you are not gonna make it.

CuteFaceHugger, Undefined, 18 years ago

The war is almost over almost all fighter are dead other to weak to fight the Strong are fighting the war.

CuteFaceHugger is now back in the canyon hurt by his encounter with NavySpaz CuteFaceHugger climes the canyon trying to get back to NavySpaz to finish the Fight wall hafe way up he crawls in The Hive he sniffs the Air and smells a Yautja "NavySpaz"CuteFaceHugger growls
And he looks around the Hive to find NavySpaz......he looks around to find HiveNods but see nothing he not in the Hive hes in a Normal Cave if NavySpaz is in the Hive than its another Yautja

CuteFaceHugger quickly jumps on the wall and gos after the other Yautja


Proud to be of The Hive

predatoress, Undefined, 18 years ago

Predatoress walked back and forth in the ship. Her mind was heavy of thinking about her clan brothers fighting on the planet in the name of honor. But she knew they were fighting for their lives.

Only small group had been sent to the planet. They thought the planet’s conditions would be too much to her; the heat and sand against bare sensitive skin and metal would probably burn keeping her focus distracted during the hunt. But she felt being responsible about the unbloods and she was worried about her blooded brothers, especially of her leader.

Stalker watched her restless moving. He clicked his mandibles thoughtful. He could see predatoress’ emergency of the yautjas on the planet. He came behind her and touched her shoulder to calm her down saying with the old language ‘They’ll be fine’. Predatoress sighed deep and looked the planet of sand, watching how the storms wiped it’s surface.

Suddenly she grabbed on Stalker’s wrist saying ‘We are going down there’. Stalker was amazed, the Doc had made his choice to leave with the unbloods. But he hadn’t denied the chance either for them to go for a hunt though but still Stalker thought it wouldn’t be so wise. The blooding takes usually only few yautjas, and now the unbloods had some blooded warriors with them so there shouldn’t be any problems. ‘No’ he says imitating human language having deep and vibrating tune on his voice. Predatoress turned, looked at him having a self confident and stubborn look on her face. ‘Then I go alone’ she says and leaves to get her wardrobe. Stalker walks behind her scratching his head wondering what to do. He knows denying is wrong strategy to his sis even he is higher in the command chain but no one, even he, experienced and fierce hunter don’t want to pi$$ her off. ‘They’ll do fine, Doc knows what he’s doing’ he tries to explain to her. ‘Hold this’ predatoress says and shoves her combistick and helmet to Stalker’s hands reaching for her heavier armor starting to attach them to the armor she already have on. ‘God damn it, women!’ Stalker sighs and throws her equipment to the floor to get his own. Predatoress smiles stealthy and lifts her equipment. ‘U ready yet?’ she asks while walking off towards the drop pods. Stalker grabs his equipment and runs after her. He throws a piece of dark red cloth to predess and she catches it in the air. ‘What’s this?’ predatoress looks at him puzzled. ‘It’ll protect you from the sun and sand. Predatoress smiles half smirking about the courtesy of the hunter from worst nightmares. She sees how her blood bro rolls his eyes and mutters something stepping in the drop pod. Predatoress steps after him in the same pod. She lifts her helmet up and attach it. ‘Lets rock!’ she shouts and hit’s the control panel to close the door. The pod shots out from the mother ship flying towards the sand planet with enormous pace. The terrible two are comming to rule the hunting ground. (lol)


The servant and the observer of Balatu

Lair of Predatoress

World of Predators forum

navyspaz, Undefined, 18 years ago

Navy was nearly healed, walking up a desert hill. And he got ontop of a Platue. Navy walked over to the edge and kneeled down. and scanned the area below him. Navy said to himself,
And he continued scanning the area...
He switched to Electro, then Predtech. He saw a Yautja from very far distance. Way beyond range to identify the Yautja. Navy growled to himself. And then a slight hissing noise could be heard. Navy stood silent. Quickly Navy turned around and Extended his Wristblades and spun around. It was a drone alien. Navy growled back. Then Extended his Combistick. And waited for the drone to make the first move. The drone slowly approahced hissing. Then pounced at Navy at great speed. Navy held up his Combistick and Jabbed the drone straight in the chest. The drone fell to the ground in pain, Screeching.
Navy picked the Drone up by the neck and held it in his hands. The drone wiggled around and screeched. And stabbed Navy in the back of the ankle with its tail. not enough to slow Navy down any. Navy wasted no time. And Slashed the Drone across the face with his Extended wristblades. Acid drenched his hand. Navy held his hand in pain, and waited for it to go away. Navy then reached for his Scaraficial Dagger. and begun to retreive its skull.
10 minutes Later
Navy has the skull strapped to its back. Small for a drone. yet worth it. Navy continued threw the desert to search for the Yautja he encountered threw Scanning the Area.

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Cloaked_Hunter, Undefined, 18 years ago

As Cloaked Was Trying to look into the battle that he could hear he heard somthing again, a slight rustle. Then bang somthing hit his back.
The next thing Cloaked knew he was moving?, But while he was lying down? Eh?, he think's whats going on?.
He the see's a xeno's tail, Omg, he think's.
Cloaked then reache's for his combistick, The xeno realises and throw's him off with quite alot of force.
cloaked is still trying to get to his senses from being knocked out.
He looked over at the xeno and think's, Hmm must have been taking me me back to the hive for food.
He look's at the xeno a bit more and it's DONUT (if that's ok DONUT?).
Cloaked Think's to himself is the xeno going to come at me?.


Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

inferno woke up from his sllep.Not only he knew about the war but he wanted to fight in it for his clan.He knew he wasn't like some of his comrads but he had to fight."My powers are to dangerous to use,millions will be killed".But he had to fight for his clan and for aliens across the galaxy.Inferno sneaked around looking for predators to find.....and kill.This war will belong to the Aliens! Nothing the marins and the predators knew was the aliens have someone new in this war,Inferno.Inferno stopped for a moment,thinking of his dark past of how different he was from the other aliens.he was a fire embryo alien that can't be harmed by fire and could shoot fire but evrytime he used his powers he lost control and almost killed his own clan.His mission was simple kill every other spiecies and be the last few aliens alive.


Hunter_Predator, Undefined, 18 years ago

HP finally woke, he looked around and remembered what happened and walked off...

He saw a hyrogliph engraved on the ground near the now crushed to pieces yautja skull that he'd found earlier, the hyrogliph showed a message written in Yautja... he read it, wondering if it was a code... "Deep into that darkness peering... long I stood there... wondering... fearing... doubting..." (BADUM, CHHHHH!). He pondered, and thought, "He stood here, hearing something, and it ended up showing and killing him... xenos... but a pred would've been ready... *looks at Yautja skull* maybe not. So it's a warning about xenos, *hmph*, thanks for the two weeks notice." and HP walked up the canyon wall, hopeing to find xenos, he wants to hunt, not wait...



Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

After somewhile Inferno sensed a predator nearby .ready to attack inferno spat acid at the pred and he got out his wristblades and combistick.I gave that pred a mean look and slashed him with my tail."worthless and unhonorable"I said as i stared at the pred."we saw some thing over here" shouted a marine. i got an egg and hid it somewhere hewouldn't expect it and a face hugger jumped on his face."once this alien has grown he'll be ready to fight".


the_doctor, Undefined, 18 years ago

the doctor quickly bounces back up from the fall, green blood still ozing from his shoulder though it wasnt a bad wound.
the two circle each other, the doctor grabs two of shruikens from his weapons and extends them. he roars at katam and katam shrieks back at him
and leaps, they collide and fall to the ground, the doctor slashes his blades into katams torso.

the acidic blood flings up in little drop buring the doctors arms but the pain is good, sweet almost. the hunter puts his legs up to the xenomorph and pushes him off. katam flys a few meters away. the shruikens in the elders hands are melting fast, he throws them towards katam. one looses balance and misses the other jams right into kathoulder.

an eye for an eye, a shoulder for a shoulder he thourght.

are you predator or prey?


CuteFaceHugger, Undefined, 18 years ago

death has taken many and is takeing one now

CuteFaceHugger dieing buy his losse of blood he laying down smells soemthing... he looks up hopeing nothing is there he sees nothing but still smells something so he trys to run but hes too weak so he lays down he sees something

a pool oreen liqiud CFH walks over to it and sticks his bloody hand in it and "TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!"it steams up with the acid in the pool.......he sits there for a while and the acid has stop flowing out CuteFaeHugger he light headed AND VERY TIRED he crawls away and gos in a small trench and rest............


Proud to be of The Hive

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Katam rears up on his hind legs high above The Doc.The Doc looks at the size of this beast and steps back.The Doc sees this as an open target and runs towards Katam, Katam ready drops and lands on top of The Doc giving him a fair hit.Yet The Doc throws Katam off of him nd continue to run towards Katam swiping his wrist blades.

Katam uses his tail to parry the swipes from The Docs wrist blades Katams tail is just armoured enough to resist the sharp metal. Katam uses his tail to wrap The Doc up and bind him.katam r The Doc off the floor and brings him closer to his face.Katams mouth opens and the famuos inner jaw shoots out at lightning spead.

Yet nothing the inner jaw did nothing.the way The Docs mask was made was to resist the inner jaw therefore are no hugh flat faces on the mask meening the iner jaw on The Doc cannot be used Katams iner jaw only grazed The Docs mask.With shock Katam weakends his grip on The Doc and he is able to break free.The Doc finds a quck way out of this fight by shooting a plasma bolt at the floot making plenty of smoke and causing the floor to cave in.Katam goes and checks the hugh hole in the floor and looks in...the Doc is no were to be seen.

The Doc looks down on Katam laughing "Muhahaha silly creature we shall meet again soon" The Doc says while walking backwards away from the canyon wall just in time to miss Katams view.

Katam still lokking wonders off in a random direction totaly confused if what just happend."Damn it.I let another one get away.Ok next one aint geting away from me.I will kill again !" Katam roars in anger.

Katam runs off to find a victim...

(Any one want to fight me ? If so add me in your post that you see me running by and you attack me ect)

Messageboard Rules.

navyspaz, Undefined, 18 years ago

Navy had run from the area he had thrown CuteFaceHugger off the side of the Canyon, and had his wristblades extended incase CuteFaceHugger got back out. Navy was now atleast a mile away. He had left area.
Approx 20 minutes later
Navy detected life forms ahead, 3 to be exact. Navy switched to Thermal vision and cloaked, as he sneaked up a hill and behind a rock. he looked down and saw 3 Marine soldiers.(NPC).
Marine #1-"Look im telling you theres something following us"
Marine 2#-"Listen we have enough Grenades and ammo to take whatever it is out"
Leiutenant-"Would you two shutup?It could be here already"
Navy made a slight claking noise and reached for his hand held Spear gun. Navy slowly aimed at the Leiutenant and fired!
It peirced the leiutenants arm and went threw the Marine#2's Chest, killing him.
Marine#1 launched a grenade in the wrong Direction, Navy looked down thinking of a plan. Quickly he reacted and lunged down behind him stabbing him threw the back. and flipping him up in the air. Navy looked around and saw the Leuitenant running from Navy. He chased the Marine to a heavy rocked area. The leuitenant had a lil better speed then Navy since he was wounded. The leuitenant had seemed to get away. Navy was ashamed, as he started to walk away. he heard a loud scream of pain. Navy turned back and Activated his Combistick. And scanned the area behind him. he detected something but saw nothing. He saw a large object not detected by Thermal. he switched to Predtech, then Electro. A Large Xeno had eatin the leuitenant. Navy zoomed into the Predalien. It was Predalien64... Predalien Roared back at Navy fearociously, as if he were wanting to fight. Navy stared him in the eye...

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TDN, Undefined, 18 years ago

TDN sat down on the crate, the same one that he had been on through this whole ordeal. One arm bleeding, he sat there, still trying to recover from the double attack his squad received before they had even venture one foot inside the colony. He didn't know what to expect, but he expects the worst is still to come, for the attack will be even more relentless inside there than where they are now. "At least we are safe for the moment" he thought. Holding his communicator, he call through it one more time to check if everyone was present. Each one of their names came up, but there was one missing. TDN had counting everytime a name comes up, but the number didn't match. He could have assumed that some were killed, but he know that one is missing out there in the dessert. Hydro...it was him. "Godamnit...the last thing we need is for this team to be separated" he thought, but he can't help it now. If he wants to help out Hydro, then he'll have to send some marines to look for him.

Calling out to his Marine squad, he said "DEATH, Red Machine! One of our men have gone missing and I have reasons to believe it's Hydro. Take some Marines with you and form a search party". He could hear them reply "Affirmative Sir!". Loyal as always, he thought. With everything prepared, it was time for them to go, to venture into the colony, to save those people who needed their help. "All right men, it's time for us to move out!" he called, and they all complied. Going to Kerrigan, he asked her "So are you all right now Kerrigan?", to which she replied "Yes sir, not too bad". She smiled, and TDN shooked his head, laughing. Turning to Kidd, he spoke "Thanks for saving my life back there. I'll remember that next time we have a promotion". With that, they both laugh. "Come on, let's go." he motioned, and off they went.

Yet he knew that this will be one of the last moment when they could have a good time like this. His feeling will never go away, and he knew it was time for the "exterminators" to come.

*Note: No, "exterminators" aren't our reinforcements. It's a term I'd like to refer to as the dark side of our Marine squad, the side that kills Xenos and Preds with no mercy.

We Endanger Species...
Preferably Yours

Crpl_Hicks, Undefined, 18 years ago

It was getting dark. And the xenos LIKED the dark. They NEEDED to get inside that building. He was also worried about the squad. Hicks heard a hissing above. He looked up to see 2 more yujati drop pods. "Great. More things that can kill us." Hicks said with a sigh. "Hey Kidd! Tell TDN that we have more yujati coming! I will give him visuhortly. The drop pods crashed on the sand, turning some of it into glass. The storm was starting to die down as the night approched and through his scope, he saw a chieftan ("Wonderfull" Hicks said to himself) and... a female yujati. This was rare, especally on blood sports. Just as he was getting off the scope, he saw Hyro walking right into the direction of the 2 new yujati, both armed to the teeth. Hicks rushed to TDN. He saw Kidd talking to TDN as he rushed in. "Sir! We have a clan chieftan yujati going after Hyro! We have to go down there now!" Hicks said to TDN. TDN glanced at how well armed Hicks was (he had a shotgun, a pulse rifle, a combat knife, and several gernades.) TDN said "Let's go marines. This will be dangerous.." he said as he looked beyond the new yujati and at all the fighing xenos and yujati. "Death! Come to my position! We have 2 yujati closing in on Hyro!" TDN radioed to his second in command. "I'm coming!" Death radioed back. TDN, Hicks, Kidd, and Death rushed down from the base to confront the yujati*.

*The yujati are Predatoress and Stalker.

You just got owned, FREAKING OWNED! I saw it!

Blade_Hunter, Undefined, 18 years ago

We were nearly there, nearly off this hell hole and safely in space. After all this turmoil it was almost over....I was wrong. We had indeed spotted the exit but as soon as we reached it we discovered that part of the facility was without power like most. Now the real trouble started.
"I can't take this, we're all gonna die!" one of the collonists screamed as he wrenched a pistol from his belt.
"Nooo!" Otang shouted, but it was too late the man pulled the trigger and decorated the wall with his brains.
"Damn! There's no way those things didn't hear that!" I raged. Then to officially deem me correct the sound of clawed hands racing down corridoors echoed towards us.
"Great. Blade Hunter help me cover the halls. The rest of you rip that exit wide open if you have to! Just get us an escape route!" Otang ordered.
"But, I.." one of the collonists muttered.
"They're coming!" I said.

navyspaz, Undefined, 18 years ago

Navy had been traveling for a while now, He had found nothing so far. He was approaching a large mountain/hill in the further beyond some sand dunes. Sand was lightly blowing threw the air. Navy looked beyond him at the platue/hill. it looked hollow as if there where places to go inside. Navy continued forward but was distracted by a sound to his right, up in the air. As if something were speeding threw the wind. Navy looked to his right and up at a 30 degree angle. And there was a Yautja Pod plumeting to the ground beyond visual range. Navy just watched in curiosity.
Approx 5 minutes later
Navyspaz had approached the large hollow mound. He was walking around the surface of it looking for a external opening, leading into the mound to see what navy could find. Navy had been looking for another 5 minutes until he heard a another garble noise. Navy stopped, And looked around. He heard the same garble noise, Navy swithed to PredTech for Yautjas, since this was the area he had detected it at.
"What is it?"
He switched to Electro, and it was as clear as day then. A FaceHugger in the sand infront of him about 25 feet. It was slowly crawling towards Navyspaz. He reached for a Shuriken, Shook it twice and Activated it. Facehugger Garbled again. then Ran Forward very swift. Navy stood in battle position with Wristblades extended and Shuriken Activated. The FaceHugger Pounced toward Navy. Navy let out the Shuriken at High speed. Vertically splitting the FaceHugger. Spewing acid, Luckly it wasnt close enough to get on Navyspaz. Navy kneeled over the FaceHugger and looked at it. Navy then stood up while looking down at the facehugger. and he was distracted by a distant Yautja Roar. Navy was curious, And went the direction he picked it up on.

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navyspaz, Undefined, 18 years ago

Navy decided he doesnt have the advantage in this one, No plasma caster. and he has to climb up the Platue. And he has one already looking down at him. So Navy knew it wasnt the right time, Navy continued on foot to a small hole and he went in their to rest and rethink his plan. While there he repaired his Combisticks broken ends from the acid. And Sharpening his Wristblades. Navy slept with his mask on so it would detect life.
The Next Morning
Navy awoke with his Mask still scanning. Nothing had come, Navy thought he would travel some more. So he held his spear and activated his mask. and Continued out of the small tunnel/cave and continued walking threw the desert to find The Hive.

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