12 years ago
As the unblooded predator orbited LV-86 to go to the rendez-vous with his elder. The planet was nuked, destroyed from orbit, the young predator stop his vessel from entering the orbit and look around.
He noticed a human ship, about ten times the size of his pod.
Now that meeting his elder was impossible, he decided to go hunting. He would hunt down the humans on the ship and avenge his fallen brothers, he would collect their skulls as trophies, and skin them.
He set in the coordinates of the human's ship, and started to make his way there.
A couple minutes later he was near enough to attach his pod, to where the human drop pods would normally come out of. His plan was to enter the ship, cut the power so they have no way of escape and then, he would hunt them down.
As he entered the ship, he cloaked himself, as an Unblood he was equipped with the most standard predator technology: cloaking device, bio mask, wristblade and a ceremonial dagger which he will use to collect the human heads as trophies.
After a couple minutes of searching the ship, he found the power source, he then proceeded to smash it, causing irreparable damage.
The constant humming of the ship's engine stop, the usual white lights faded and were replaced with red lights, any human's who were in cryo sleep, would wake up. The hunt was about to begin.