Blizzard, Darkmoon and Hanei sparring room

Waralien, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Blizzard, Darkmoon and Hanei feel free to use this topic to spar with each other. In accordance to what Pete said please follow the rules of RPGing. Any attempt at breaking said rules will involve a removal of said post and a warning. Failure to comply with the warnings will force me to involve a mod so please play nice. Feel free to set up the story here and remember have fun.


Blizzard, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

The echoed screams of retreating marines was heard across the facility as was those of the xenomorph who were close behind them . The door on the evac dropship closed to the dismay of the Weyland-Yutany and of the colonial marines who were quickly cut down until there screams were drowned out by the sound of the nuke destroying the facility and the xenomorph on LV-86 .

The lucky survivors of this particular encounter were celebrating there last minute escape on the dropship by exchanging relieved looks to each other while others decided to swear loudly and screams phrase such as "I told you it wasn't game over" over and over .

Meanwhile unbeknown to the survivors the surviving synthetic (T-108 or BOB as he is nicknamed by the personnel ) had successfully smuggled two chestburster inside two Weyland-Yutany employers who were now in hyper sleep .

Hanei, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

One of the Chestbursters onboard that ill-fated dropship was almost ready to burst, and would do so immediately after the Weyland-Yutani employees were taken out of hypersleep. That chestburster would develop into a Drone, the Drone known as Hanei.

Darkmoon, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

As the unblooded predator orbited LV-86 to go to the rendez-vous with his elder. The planet was nuked, destroyed from orbit, the young predator stop his vessel from entering the orbit and look around.
He noticed a human ship, about ten times the size of his pod.

Now that meeting his elder was impossible, he decided to go hunting. He would hunt down the humans on the ship and avenge his fallen brothers, he would collect their skulls as trophies, and skin them.
He set in the coordinates of the human's ship, and started to make his way there.

A couple minutes later he was near enough to attach his pod, to where the human drop pods would normally come out of. His plan was to enter the ship, cut the power so they have no way of escape and then, he would hunt them down.

As he entered the ship, he cloaked himself, as an Unblood he was equipped with the most standard predator technology: cloaking device, bio mask, wristblade and a ceremonial dagger which he will use to collect the human heads as trophies.

After a couple minutes of searching the ship, he found the power source, he then proceeded to smash it, causing irreparable damage.
The constant humming of the ship's engine stop, the usual white lights faded and were replaced with red lights, any human's who were in cryo sleep, would wake up. The hunt was about to begin.

Blizzard, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

For 24 hours the ship laid still and would have been completely quiet if it wasn't for the slow methodic sound of the ship engine humming quietly to itself as it drifted in space , but that unusual silence that could only be achieved by the technology of Weyland Yutany was interrupted by the computer activating the emergency protocol as the cryo door's slowly opened up and the human slowly made their way out before heading to the locker room where they got dressed in there uniforms .

Bob decided to keep an eye on the host , but the captain sent the synthetic to the control deck and sent the two host to engineering unknown to him that they were transporting a deadly cargo . Shortly after a bit of talk one of the employees made his way to the vent to get rid of excess of fumes that was being created by the broken engine and as he did a sudden pain went across his body and as he grasped his stomach a chestburster burst from his chest cavity cutting his screams short .Blizzard was born.

Hanei, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Likewise in a supply closet where the other employee had been gathering necessary cleaning supplies for the engine room, there was a muffled scream, then Hanei exploded from it's host, landing on the floor with a small shriek. The human host fell dead to the floor, and Hanei feasted upon the carcass.

As soon as it had eaten it's fill, Hanei crawled away into the vents, where it would molt and become a stealthy Drone. It was only a matter of time

Darkmoon, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

The young predator stalked the corridors, without making a sound and cloaked. He heard the alarmed cries of the humans as they were forced out of there cryo tubes. As he was walking he came across intersection of three corridors, two marines were talking to each other in their language, they were both equip with pulse rifle that they must have picked up from their primitive armory. They carried on talking unaware of the predator's presence, until one of the pointed in one direction, they split up as one headed in the direction previously shown.

This was a perfect chance to pick off one of the marines, he followed the marine down the badly lit corridor, red lights flashing. They were now a long way from the other marine, and the predator could see that at the end of this corridor was a dead end, apart from an air vent. He needed to act fast if he wanted to kill the marine without alerting the others

Blizzard, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

As blizzard crawled out of the human body he decided to take a few bites out of the now dead host but his dinner was cut short by the footsteps of the other employee who had heard the screams , instinctively the chestburster hid in one of the pipes hidden by the fumes of the destroyed engine as his friend bent down to inspect his dead friend the chestburster made a dash for it he lifted his head up and sensed the pheromones of one of its kin he continue to squirm past the humans until he found himself near another body with a hole in its chest indicating that its was the host of his kin he quickly he made his way through the same vent trying to find his kin .

Hanei, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Hanei had crawled a good ways into the vent, following pheromones to scout out the ship via the vents. Eventually it decided that human scent could be found on all levels of the ship, and that was that. Eventually, however, it detected a different scent, one that made it hiss in anger as it crawled through the vents.

Following the scent, it soon found a vent grate that led out into a hallway where there was only one human guard, but the scent of the Yautja was present. It lay in wait, seeing if the Yautja would reveal itself, but then the molting process began, jsut as one of Hanei's kin came within sensory range.

Hanei curled up and cocooned, preparing to receive it's full body form in a matter of an hour or two.

Blizzard, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Blizzard came into visual range of the alien known as Hanei who had all ready begun to molt and shortly after so did Blizzard who curled into a ball as he commence his own metamorphose into a warrior

OOC sorry for it being so short

Hanei, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Due to something the host had eaten, or perhaps the numerous pheromones of future hosts and food for a new hive, Hanei's molting did not take long. In fact, it only took a record breaking 35 minutes, after which Hanei the Drone was born.

It sensed the presence of a molting kin nearby and spread a special pheromone over the Warrior, knowing that if Hanei had molted quickly, then so would they after this contact. Then Hanei snuck through the vents to hunt the scent of the Yautja. No threat must be present for a future hive. So all would have to die.

Blizzard, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Only a half an hour later Blizzard rose up from his cocoon he was now a fully formed xenomorph and more specifically a warrior who would defend the future clan . Blizzard crawled through the vents until he came across a human who was standing directly under him , Blizzard slowly lowered his tail and impaled the human who let out a cry before being pulled up the vent and his dying cries were silence as Blizzard opened his mouth to reveal his inner mouth that plunged into the man's skull as it made a glorious crackling sound like a log on a fire . Blizzard proceeded to devour some of the corpse and then made dragged the corpse to the drone who was responsible for his quick transformation he then dropped the corpse near the drone as a gift for helping him in metamorphose . He then tilted his head in the direction of another pheromone which he identified as yautja .

Darkmoon, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

The young predator, who was still behind the human, approached him without making a sound. He put his right hand over its mouth and his left hand behind his head, he then proceeded to do a twisting motion, snapping the human's neck.

He the then took out his ceremonial dagger to cut off to human's head as a trophy. As he was putting his trophy and dagger away he heard a scuttling sound coming from the air vent, and it was big, it might have been nothing but he wanted to be sure. He walked a couple off feet away from the air vent, cloaked himself and then extended his wristblade and waited as the sound came closer...

Hanei, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Hanei kept going towards the scent of the Yautja, wanting to ensure that nothing could possibly endanger the new hive once it was established. As the scent became stronger while Hanei get closer, something seemed off. It's senses could tell something dangerous was nearby, but it wasn't quite sure what. Then, as it was right next to an open vent, Hanei finally detected weapons. Hissing softly, Hanei backed up just a bit, then pounced through the vent, smashing it open so that it landed atop the Yautja and pinned it to the wall.

Hanei then let out a screech, one that would be heard throughout the halls and ventilation by both humans and kin.

Darkmoon, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

The young predator was knock violently off his feet, as a creature pounced through the air vent and landed on him, and letting out a hiss. Alerting the hole ship of its presence.
In a second the young predator managed to identify the species, it was a xenomorph, one of the most deadly species in the galaxy ,and one of the most honorable trophies.

The young predator managed to stab the xenomorph in the shoulder before kicking him in the stomach sending his foe backwards. He got up knowing that he had only inflicted just a minor injuries to the xenomorph.

Blizzard, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Blizzard was gathering host for the future hive when suddenly he heard the cry of his own kin echoe through the halls , Blizzard reacted quickly and threw the would be host to the floor and proceded to cocone him to the floor so he could be retrieved later the warrior then made his way as fast as possible to the source of the noise until he came across a yautja battling his kin . Blizzard sneaked in and grabbed the predator and plunged his tail in his shoulder . Blizzard growled how come he always missed the heart ?

Hanei, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Hanei let out a screech as it was thrown off and stabbed in the shoulder. Acid blood spilled onto the floor and the Drone let out a growl at the Yautja. Fortunately, the Warrior kin from earlier came around and attacked the enemy as well, so it would be two against one. Much more satisfactory.

Hanei would have attacked the Yautja again, intending to slit his throat and maybe bite his face in, but then the sounds of multiple sets of boots was heard from down the hall. The marines were coming, and Hanei could sense how powerful their weapons were. The Drone lashed out at the Yautja so that acid would spill onto its arm and face, then dove into the vent and scuttled off.

Blizzard, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Blizzard heard the sound of the marines coming towards him but before he could dash to safety of the vent , the humans had seen him and had opened fire as the sounds of the pulse riffle echoed through the ship Blizzard violently turned the predator to face the bullets effectively using him as a meat shield luckily for the Yautja the bullets only hit his torso and more specifically his armour . Blizzard was then kicked back by the yautja and the young warrior stumbled backwards , the xenomorph let out a hiss before escaping through the vent that his kin had used to escape .

Darkmoon, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

The young Yautja was caught by surprise as an other alien stabbed him in the back missing his heart, but making him roar in pain. Then the alien he stabbed in the shoulder sprayed acid blood from his wound over his face and arms, luckily it only hit his mask and a piece of armor on his arm. The alien then proceeded to run as the marines came closer, he was going to try to catch him when the alien know as Blizzard grabbed him and used him as a meat shield against the incoming marine fire, before running away after being kicked it the stomach.

He let out a roar,the bullets hit him on his chest armor, there was three marines. All three of them holding pulse rifles. He dived for cover and cloaked,he then manged to jump on some bars than where over his head, he used them to sneak behind the marines and kill them. He wasn't going to collect the head as trophies because he had more important things to do: he needed to hunt down those aliens.

Hanei, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Hanei scurried through the vents as far away from the marines and Yautja as the ventilation system allowed, using the scent of the Yautja as a point of reference and going in the opposite direction. Eventually the Drone found a room full of electronic systems, and the pheromones seemed to indicate that these systems controlled many things in the ship, such as the lights. As such, Hanei began smashing the systems until the lights throughout the ship went out, unable to be turned back on. Now the xenomorphs would be able to run freely throughout the ship, virtually undetectable.

XenomorphSix, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Hello may I join this RPG?

Live to kill