12 years ago
The air was dry and the sand was smooth almost like liquid and spread throughout out the desert were boulders that are the only remnants of an primitive civilization that had died out eons before the xeno arrival. The hive, after centuries of almost complete inactivity the sandstorms that frecrent this land so often had all but covered her in sand. The human colony to the south-east, protected from the prevailing winds had grown strong in their shaded sanctuary escaping the morning and evening heat but at the mercy of the 18 hour midday sun.
"It's almost too hot for food" Tawganator muttered to Badapple his limbs stretching after prolonged rest in the catacombs of the hive. "Yes, almost" from the grinning runner and the two embarked on the short journy to the mountain region were a freshly available abundance of food was now nestled. Crawling through on of the remaining entrances in the sand covered iceberg that is the hive, they were greeted by the midday heat and both shrieked in shock from the sudden hit of temperature. "Maybe it is too hot after all?" "No Badapple, I'm too hungry".
Off Topic: Going to be without internet for a few days so post a big one during my absence.