assassin vs celticscar

assassin, Undefined, 15 years ago

CelticScar, Undefined, 15 years ago

you wanna do the intro or shold I?

assassin, Undefined, 15 years ago

you can do it if you want

CelticScar, Undefined, 15 years ago

(cool, thanks) CelticScar was hunting outside a marine outpost, an alien breakout gave the perfect oppertuinity to pick off marines. Until he found Assassin using his innerjaw to devour a marine. CS thought it an inresting challenge. So he shot a frag. on the marine's belt with his speargun then it exploded knocking the alien off the marine and into a wall. CS drew his extra long wristblades, aimed his caster and extended his combistick and thought of the slaughtered children of the Deathstalker encounter, his blood filled with fury, he was ready to kill!

assassin, Undefined, 15 years ago

assassin qhiecly recovers, then leaps at cs and stabs cs in the leg, with assassins assassin throws cs threw a wall, and jumps on cs then starts clawing him 5 times. and starts throwing cs threw walls so well cs is down assassin then runs away into a vent

CelticScar, Undefined, 15 years ago

CS gets up and roars. he then goes to a control panel and pressed a button that activated the fans in the vents. Soon Assassin leaped out of the vents blocked off by fans and tackled Cs to the ground. Assassin tried to innerjaw CS but CS caught it and tore it out then stabbed it in Assassin's head. Cs then used suiriken to pine Assassin to a wall.

assassin, Undefined, 15 years ago

but before cs culd walk over to assassin gets himself free and assassin grabs cs and throws him threw sevroll walls but waill cs is down assassin runs over to cs and rips cs arm off waill cs is scrmeing in pain assassin throws cs threw sevroll more walls

CelticScar, Undefined, 15 years ago

CS angry at his foe, he used his medicomb to reatach his limb. He the ran toward Assasin and tore his tail of his foe then baet him with it. Then CS cut off Assassin's legs, then punted him.

assassin, Undefined, 15 years ago

then assassin grabs cs by the legs and assassin grabs the tale and stabs cs in the cest then cs fell to the grand and assassin claws cs 5 times

CelticScar, Undefined, 15 years ago

Assassin, you can't kill me yet you've only done 2 posts of combat, not including your most reccent, so you should either edit your post or delete it. (Plus your not that much stronger then me + you used a bit of a god mod)

assassin, Undefined, 15 years ago

ok ill edit later

CelticScar, Undefined, 15 years ago

Thank you

assassin, Undefined, 15 years ago

ok i edit it cs

CelticScar, Undefined, 15 years ago

Cs kicks Assasin off then gets up and punches Assassin in the gut. CS then picks up Assassin then throws him about 5-6 feet, Cs then lays a trap near a door then roars at assassin.

assassin, Undefined, 15 years ago

assassin jumps into a vent and gos under cs then assassin breaks through the ground then grabs cs and throws cs into a wall while cs is stuned assassin jabed his cut off tail cs is burning up from the acid blood assassin threw cs into his own mine cs cant feel his legs becouse shrapnel is in them

CelticScar, Undefined, 15 years ago

CelticScar tired of this fight,him, in imense pain, triped Assassin then ripped the xenomorph's head, then roared and cloacked then fled the scene with his trophy.

(Thanks for the fight, definatley my hardest yet)

assassin, Undefined, 15 years ago

um you cant kill me yet

CelticScar, Undefined, 15 years ago

(? ohh, sorry) You can go now

assassin, Undefined, 15 years ago

um sorry but i dont know if you can kill me in 5 posts

CelticScar, Undefined, 15 years ago

I read the rules, I can so i preety much do what id id in my latest "fighting" post, so i win.

Thank you

assassin, Undefined, 15 years ago

well read them again becouse they say "wait until you have made at least 5 posts in battle before attempting to kill another perticipant, meaning 6 posts in total."