AlienXeno v.s Hanei

badapple24, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Have fun, read the rules. Good luck

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

alienxeno crash landed in a pod.damn you i have to find a new ship.maybe i can get some from a friend.

(would you like to be a ally or enemy?)

alien123, Xenomorph, 12 years ago


The yautja dont stand a chance agaist me!!!

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

what are you doing here?!you cant barge in a rpg like that!!!

badapple24, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Yeah you may as well smash through your neighbours wall and be the cool aid man!!!

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

good one.but i need my fight.