

Species Yautja
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Predator game

created: TheScarPredator, Yautja, 11 years ago, 6 replies
last post: 11 years ago

Predator Vs.

created: TheScarPredator, Yautja, 11 years ago, 15 replies
last post: 10 years ago




The wristblades are the predator's basic weapon. They all carry one and from what is know if removed the subject dies. There looks to be some sort of molecular bonding between them and the user. It's an elegant weapon mostly used when the prey is less challenging or as a last resource.
Plasma Caster
This is the most efficient and versatile weapon of the predator's arsenal. It can be used on almost every occasions, it fires a plasma charge that has explosive properties. The charge is directed by a targeting system, which is able to make path correction after the charge is fired. It can be described as an assault weapon used on heavy confrontations while leaving the hands free.
Ceremonial Dagger
The Ceremonial Dagger is a Yautja weapon, used by warriors as a last-resort weapon or a weapon to take trophies from fallen enemies.
Bio Mask
The Bio Mask is one of the main tools used by the Predators. These masks contain a variety of functions which the Predators may require during a hunt. As well as protecting the Predator's head, the mask has a sound amplifier, multiple vision modes, a zoom function, some diagnostic capabilities and a recording system. The mask may also have a red targeting laser, used by a Predator for accurate plasma caster shots. It also might be used as a breathing tool.


Hello, i would like to challenge anyone for a fight in the rpg section. please take a look at my thread, Predator Vs. i am a predator fan and i love writing stories.


Aliens, predators. enemies with one similarity. they are the ugliest thing to be created by living, breathing human beings.