on Page 153 of members list: \"The history of my alien character: Raised by humans that kept BattleAlien in a cage. In the cage all they did was experiments
on The alien to find a way to improve the spiecies
witch BattleAlien had no problem with that. Till one day they decided they didnt need the xenomorphs so they tryied to kill every xenomorph on earth and space
then they went after BattleAlien there were other aliens in there so he looked at the aliens then looked at the scientists comming to kill them so then he cut the power to the base so they can get out of the eletric fence
when out they all found tanks moving toward them quickly
BattleAlien set the base to self destruct. Then they all
ran off. to the jungle witch then they found a predator ship so they snuck aboard waited till they arrived to there planet then killed every predator inside.And then molted into a Queen