Your favourite XENOMORPH

Jed-Chrizt, Undefined, 18 years ago

In terms of, which one did you like the most?
For me? It's definetely the first one, it was just by far the best. It had the best design in my opinnion, and wasn't oversaturated with CG, and unrealistic thin legs. The first alien also had some kind of head that was white, or a white-headed skull. He was also pretty playful, and stalked his enemies....Just...the best alien ever :p.

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Alienation, Undefined, 18 years ago

Were you talking about the facehugger? Well, mine is the warrior alien. I just like the predaien because it just looked cool to me.Plus,it has many different models of it.

"There is no "I" in team,there is an "I" in "KILL"

black_warrior, Undefined, 18 years ago

the white alien with a white head was proabably the newborn but it was in Alien: Ressurection(#4) but i must say this to uphold the campaign.........GUT THE NEWBORN!

my favorite alien off the movie is the original or one of the warriors from Aliens. but umm i think this topic has been made before. like 2 other times.

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"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes."

Alienation, Undefined, 18 years ago

But he said "the first one",Black Warrior. Doesn't that mean the dronefrom ALIENS?

"There is no "I" in team,there is an "I" in "KILL"

Crow, Undefined, 18 years ago

-_- Jed is talking about the first xenomorph from the film "Alien." "Aliens" was the sequel.

Personally, I like the newer batch of xenomorphs more than the initial ones, and out of all the xenomorph characters which I have witnessed (emphasis on CHARACTERS), I think I liked Grid the best.


"If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone." - Michael Corleone

black_warrior, Undefined, 18 years ago

no the drone from ALIEN. but i dont remember seeing a white headed alien. the only time he looked like he had a white head was when light reflected off his dome-head.

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"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes."

Jed-Chrizt, Undefined, 18 years ago

Thanks Crow. What you should know is that I like it mainly because of the transluctant skull, and it was also the first alien I saw, I have deep respect for it. Newborn or not, it kicks ;).

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Avier7777, Undefined, 18 years ago

Drones from Aliens. They were amazing.


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Jed-Chrizt, Undefined, 18 years ago

I loved that movie, the drones were also pretty decent but I couldn't stand Newt/Ripley's relationship. It was very hollow, and Newt was extremely annoying. Alien 3's runner was also just plain amazing, in terms of all the effects and shots. ESPECIALLY, the Close-Up shot of the Alien snarling at Ripley's face turned to the side.

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devilpredator88, Undefined, 16 years ago

I LIKE THE predalien from avpr the best it was freakin awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

skullhunter220, Undefined, 16 years ago

i always liked the look of the drone from alien. and the runner from alien3

The-Wolf, Undefined, 16 years ago

So far I'm loving all the Aliens from AvP-R. I can't really pick on which one is my favorite. I wish they could of made those two Aliens that guarded the Predalien (in the sewer and in the hive battle) stand out more with scars on them like Grid. That way we could have seen them more than once before they died. If that happened, I would have picked one of them.

Cystic, Undefined, 16 years ago

It would have to be either the superior alien that killed the weaker one and pressed the coolant button in Ressurection that ROARED rather than screeched or Grid.

-Bloo-, Undefined, 16 years ago

The Warrior. In terms of design, the one from AVPR. In everything else, the one from Aliens.

My most hated one is, was, and will always be the Newborn, but I have gained some respect for it.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 16 years ago

I always liked the drone from Alien the most... The perfect organism...

predator_wolf, Undefined, 16 years ago

i like the predalien but originaly it is grid alien the sca on its head

predator_wolf, Undefined, 16 years ago

i like the predalien but originaly it is grid alien the sca on its head

predator_wolf, Undefined, 16 years ago

i like the predalien but originaly it is grid alien the sca on its head

predator_wolf, Undefined, 16 years ago

i like the predalien but originaly it is grid alien the sca on its head

MrXeno, Undefined, 16 years ago

OK! We knew that after the first post. DAMN!

Although i like the drone...