Xenomorph's and Predator's skin questions
19 years ago
Okay, some of the websites, and as Dave also said, says that Xenomorphs have chitinous exoskeleton. But when I asked my Biology teacher about Chitin, he said that it was the same material that makes the exoskeleton of creatures such as lobsters and crabs. These things can't even resist a single shot of even a small arms fire like a simple pistol. So when you guys say that Xenomorph's exoskeleton gives it protection against small arms fire, how is that possible? And that exoskeleton can't resist heat or cold either. And Xenos could be killed by a pistol as seen in the scene in Aliens where Vasquez killed a Xeno with her pistol in the air duct.
And secondly, how tough are the Predator's skin when compared to the Xenos' exoskeleton. I've always thought of them as being tougher because they seem to be able to be immune from small arms fire, so which exactly is tougher?
I just want to clear things up a bit. Maybe I'm going too far with Biology here but I just want to clear this up.