would it be possible to tame...

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Would it be possible to tame an alien, and if you think it would be possible do you think you could do it?

Stalker, Undefined, 18 years ago

this is an age old debate, in my opinion it is clearly not possible to keep a xenomorph under control. Taming them is like trying to tame a great white shark, absolutely pointless. In resurrection the crew of the Auriga tried, & failed miserably to tame the black killing machines. Aliens are not like dogs or cats, they have no remorse for any living creature, other than themselves, they feel no pity, no affection to other creatures, which comnpletely rules out the possibility of them being tames, except maybe the newborn, which has responses & emotions common to most mammals


Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

U cant tame death! but id still love one as a pet! or two! id teach them to race motocross

This space for lease

donut, Undefined, 18 years ago

aliens cant be tamed, as you've seen in the movies there are countless examples of how we have failed to tame them. it would be really neat though :3 like Otang said, i would have one , and donut would be its name :3

~i draw things...it is delicious~
~first female on teh site! w00t w00t!~

Hunter_Predator, Undefined, 18 years ago

In Pred: CJ, "MOTHER" taimed... basically, an alien hive, though you can't really say Pred: CJ is canon, it's close though, but not enough.


OTANG, Undefined, 18 years ago

no man. but if i could, i would have one. but i would lose my freinds, mess up my truck, lose apartment deposit, have to buy a whols bunch of indoor paint.

Azzazin of Balatu
Struggle is The Glory
Tha Forum Rules

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

well if you think bout it the aliens are all ready tamed by the queen and cant be tamed by any other thing but the queen. But i am no alien expert but thats what i say XD

My email is [email protected] is anybody wants to know to bug me.......

hyroglphsarenice, Undefined, 18 years ago

well lets see through out aliens and up wasnt that the purpose? lets tame aliens and make them a weapon? All attempts have failed. there is only one thing that can control the aliens and that is they're queen. the problem is when ever a queen was captured and used to "tame" the xenomorphs the queen with her immense problem solving capability always found a way to escape and kill everyone in the process.

a fine is a tax for doing bad and a tax is a fine for good

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

you kan never contol alien and alien life for Queen and die for Queen not more

Daemon how makes Trophy out of men

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Not possible. I would want one though. A pet chestburster. That turns into a queen. Then lays eggs that dont harm me. All those facehuggers will make other chestbursters, that will obey the queens instructions not to harm me. That would be awsome.

Bow chicka wow wow. What ever that means.

OTANG, Undefined, 18 years ago

lol @ immense problem solving capability

Azzazin of Balatu
Struggle is The Glory
Tha Forum Rules

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Actually they can be tamed...if...an only if....you have an alien queens jelly its this thing that allows her to communicate with her aliens soldiers etc..just rub it on ure head an be shure not to let it slipp away or ure toast...lol

navyspaz, Undefined, 18 years ago

Is that what ripley had in ressurection ?


Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

No.. i think it was because that one that was killed by the other Aliens to escape that was the one they sugically removed and thats why she started bleedin for no reason cause it was killed. an also she had part alien in her so that why she could sorta tame them.

hyroglphsarenice, Undefined, 18 years ago

restoring order of forms srry for waste of space

(for simplistic use just call me hyro)