Witch one, witch one?

Hunter_Predator, Yautja, 19 years ago

Now this isn't whitch do you like better, think of this...

Who would you rather be, a pred, or an alien? Here's the thing you need to think about though, if you were an alien, you would have to live long, I don't know how long though maybe pretty long, and you would have to constantly work to keep the hive going, like gather hosts and spread the webbing, now if you were a pred, you would have to live around 300 years, and you would have to prove yourself for a hundred different things, like to fight, then to hunt, then to become a man, so on so forth, and have to live by all these rules to stay honorable.

I would have to say, pred, so I may live a close to moral life instead of living like an ant. Witch would you be? And why?

~~~~~Feet First Into HELL~~~~~

Unknown, Yautja, 19 years ago

I dont know what I'd be. I have a strong sense of moral, so that would make me like a predator. However, I can follow blindly, and I just seem to have a Xenomorph personality. I can be alone for a long time, but for some reason, I like being in a group of three. I can use stealth. I can set traps, albiet simple ones, but still. I am rather physically average, but, I can run like hell if I need to, and I can get a good grip on the ice in Finland. I can take a whole load of pain, befor breaking down. I like hissing, for some reason, and I like doing the Predator clicking, purring thing. Here are the standings

Yautji: Morals (2), Independance (1), Stealth (1), Resiliant (2), noises (2), traps (1).

Xenomorph: Blind faith (1), Grim, dark(ish) personality (2), the small groups (Remember the alpha, beta and delta aliens from A:R?)(1), Stealth (1), traps (1), hissing (2), avarage physical capabilaties (1), speed bursts (1) and the grip on the ice (1)


Yautji: 9
Xenomorph: 11

just for the record, I like the Xenomorphs more. they are cold killing machine, and look, and kick a$$.

Xenomorph all the way!

Unknown, Yautja, 19 years ago

definately yautja. Wristblades, honour, wristblades, free travel, get to hunt the hard-meat, wristblades, cool helmets, combi-sticks, yea definately yautja for me.

predatoress, Yautja, 19 years ago

Yatja. Definitely. For the same reasons than Otang and other fellas. I like their tribal system, they really are like a pack of wolves with smart individuals who recognizes each other - unlike aliens. They are smart, yes, but they really are just a part of the mindless mass.


The servant and the observer of Balatu

Kingdom of Predators

Kingdom of Predators Forum

black_warrior, Yautja, 19 years ago

i'd be a pred. awesome weapons. and they dont hide behinde their weapons. they can take on lots of different things in hand to hand and still win. and you have to earn respect in hunts and tests. preds are smart and are very stealthy. they have different visions and just look cool. and if you lose to a worthy opponent....boom both are destroyed. and the nice shiny skulls on your trophy rack.

You cant kill what$ $tronger than death- Zakk Wylde

Soldier, Yautja, 19 years ago

I'd rather be an alien. Homefield advantage, and very long life if not eterenal life. I'm also not more helpless if i lose my weapons, because their built in. I see everything, and no sneaking up on an alien. Aliens are also almost as strong if not stronger than predators too.


OTANG, Yautja, 19 years ago

which would i be? hmm let me think, space ant, yautja,... space ant, yautja. make mine a yautja please. :P


Azzazin of Balatu
Struggle is The Glory

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Hunter_Predator, Yautja, 19 years ago

Why would you be a pred, I would just like to live a close to moral life like I said before, how 'bout you Otang?

~~~~~Feet First Into HELL~~~~~

daveberg, Yautja, 19 years ago

Hmmm, squishy crab face or hard as$ed pure bred killer? I'll take the xenomorph please....

darkness of acheron
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Hunter_Predator, Yautja, 19 years ago

Why alien Dave?

~~~~~Feet First Into HELL~~~~~

Hunter_Predator, Yautja, 19 years ago

I edited the Topic above, I edited it to also include lifespan.

~~~~~Feet First Into HELL~~~~~

daveberg, Yautja, 19 years ago

Well, the predators are too simular to humans for my liking, i like to be different, like to go against conformity, i like the pure freedom of the aliens - having no morals or ethics, just born to kill. Awesome.

darkness of acheron
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.:Liquid GfX Graphics forum:.

Hunter_Predator, Yautja, 19 years ago

Good reason. I would still be pred myself, but theres a reason to be alien.

~~~~~Feet First Into HELL~~~~~

Dalkar, Yautja, 19 years ago

ill choose to be a xenomorph any day. They are the perfect killing machines you cant beat that.

Death is only the Beginning

davii008, Yautja, 19 years ago

i'd be an alien....for the exact reasons as daveberg

i will slaughter predators whether young,old,female or male...

Skystalker, Yautja, 19 years ago

Yautja. Because whats better than to hunt and have a good reason for it? i mean you get to travel the entire universe for new prey and hunts, kill exotic creatures, collect their skulls, and decorate your wall with em. that over space ant? plus you get armor, latest and highly technological weapons and who hasnt wanted to have a sneaksuit or be invisable? plus even the untechnological weapons are awesome. Id probably just stand there all day sheathing and unsheathing the wrist blades. Love that sound......

El Diablo que hace tropheos de hombre.
The Demon Who Makes Trophies Of Man.

OTANG, Yautja, 19 years ago

why would i be yautja. well intelligence. thru many millions of years of natural selection these beings have come become so intelligent they developed ways to comb the universe with much effeciency. they have civilized so much that they converted into a race of hunters, possibly from a past-time event that eventually turned into an obsession.

then they developed weapons, technology to feed this obsession. all this much before oomans even learned how to fly or use electricity.

then there is the discipline. codes of honor were developed, and they stick to these much like samurai once did.

they developed ways of manipulating other lifeforms to suit their hunting needs, and they learned the foreign beings' culture/history enough to know thier behavioral characteristics. they possibly harnessed the power to use xenos to their liking (derelict cargo ship).

and then there are the rites of passage they must endure. hey if it was easy, anyone could do it.

xenos are cool....to hunt. and they are natural born.....hive preservers :P they kill and capture for the sake of the hive, the queen. i dont think they do it cuz they like it, they show no emotion. its an instinct. like ants. they also seem to be a primitive species and how have they progressed? not by intelligence, but hive preseravtion only.

yea i choose yautja


Azzazin of Balatu
Struggle is The Glory

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Scar_Face, Yautja, 19 years ago

I'de rather be a Predator. Because of the freedom. Sure there are rules an regulations for them. But so does every country on Earth, and we still find the freedom that we desire. Now the rites of passage may be difficult, even suicidal. But once it's done you don't have to do it any more.

Aliens on the other hand, don't have the luxury of freedom. They are bound by instinct and must obay every order from the Queen. They spend their entire lives spitting webing, and gathering bodies for incubation. Other than that they just lay dormant.

Another form of freedom that the Predators have is choice of loyalty. Aliens must stick to the hive, nothing else. Predators, though usually born into the clan they will serve, don't nessesarilly have to stick to it. They could join another clan (it would be a rare occurance) or they can freelance.

-=!!!MY SKULL!!!=-

Unknown, Yautja, 19 years ago

i like Dave alien born killers

predalien26 of two princes

Hunter_Predator, Yautja, 19 years ago

Not to counteract but, Predators are trained killers.

~~~~~Feet First Into HELL~~~~~

Angus_Alien, Yautja, 19 years ago

I'd be an Alien, no doubt. Born and raised, cold and hard, I'd be an Alien.


Leader Of The Shadow Serpents.