Who would you go against?

Shadow, Undefined, 20 years ago

Would you rather go against a Predator or a Alien? No weapons. on either side.

Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

i would love to go against an alien as a pred.
I would be brave and honorable enough to kill the damn thing. I would probably get cut up a bit but still i could kill an alien as a pred. I think an alien would have a 45/100 percent chance of living. I dont want to hear about how one alien killed 2 predators in avp, because that was pure bullsh*t, paul wasn't to fair about the alien and pred killings. He was probably an alien fan, and even if he was it doesnt show. Dont get me wrong im a huge pred fan, but i have love for the aliens.

Shadow, Undefined, 20 years ago

D@mn straight. I would to. And If I died I would die with honnor.

Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

yeah see the preds can die for honor and the aliens can die to protect, what? A queen, bunch of vicisious animals they are smart yeah when there is no queen but when there is their animals.

Shadow, Undefined, 20 years ago

Yeah I get the point. gosh. all right i'm chngin it everone would go for Pred, alien had no tail or tounge, but had claws.

Shadow, Undefined, 20 years ago

Good point. whos next

Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

a pred. aliens are natural weapons one would kill me in a second, atleast with a pred i'd have a chance.

profile.htmlgame over man, game over... o 2 more lives.
im an R.P.G alien
( new pic same great tast )
- my avatar looks like a evil retard no more
super nerds alone to gether, super nerds, nerds for ever

AVPFREAK, Undefined, 20 years ago

well, alien would probably kill me. but it could do something else....drag me into the hive and stick me to the wall. i'd die by chestburster EXTREMELY painful. a pred is what i would rather go against. since i have no chance, i would either stay still and not attack it(cause preds won't usually attack you if you don't have weapons), but if it decided to kill me, i would scream in it's face "GET IT OVER WITH! USE YOUR PLASMA CASTER, IT'll BE QUICK! KILL ME YOU UGLY MOTHER *&^*((!" I hope you get the point.
