Where do Xenomorph's come from?

Skelitore, Undefined, 17 years ago

I'm just wondering where the Xenomorph's come from? I kno they were originally found in a crashed space ship on LV201 in the original Alien movie. But it doesn't really tell much of a story line of y that ship had crashed, or y were there soooo many eggs inside of it.

I'm not too sure if the Xenomorph's were actually controlling the ship, or if it was taken over by them and then crashed on LV201.

What do you guys think?

creed, Undefined, 17 years ago

I think that it's the second part you said.

Karo, Undefined, 17 years ago

lol I am pretty sure this is the wrong place to ask something like that as there is no official answer, but personally I enjoy not knowing because they are a force of perfected nature beyond human comprehension. Their dark origins are inconsequential, because they are beyond control and impossible to contain.

Perhaps they came as an evolution of something small, as which their abilities would seem less extreme, and maybe the race on the derelict spacecraft foolishly intended to use them as weapons just like humans would eventually attempt to do. My personal favorite theory is that they were genetically engineered by an advanced race, far away in uncharted space. Maybe even through a little Frankenstein twist on there and assume that they ironically hunted their creators to the point of extinction.

x_saysell, Undefined, 17 years ago

In the comic series it was stated that the space jockeys (the giant creature in the chair in the original movie) created the xenomorphs as a WMD (weapon of mass destruction) and as a transport ship (the one seen in Alien) had a technical fault or an xeno escaped and the ship was forced to land on
LV 201 (at this time tha planet was populated) but the xenos made short work of it and drained all of its resources turning it into the barren rock on Alien but before all of this the space jockeys managed to send out a destres beacon (the one picked up by Mother) this beacon of course is not picked up till a few hundren years later

It has also been mentioned that the space jockeys where at war with the predators and the preds used the newely contained xeno eggs on the Jockey ship causing it to crash Ect

alien-drone, Undefined, 17 years ago

nobody is meant to know where they came from all we know is they go around inhabiting other planets

Leandros8, Undefined, 17 years ago

no offence but...u people are fricken stupid!the simplest answer in science is usually the right one.the evolved,they grew,like humans,they appeared on a planet and eventually populated it,its that simple.

skullhunter220, Undefined, 17 years ago

i honestly dont want to know where they came from (beacause it dosent matter)

xenotaris, Undefined, 16 years ago

Well the Director of the First Movie, said the Aliens were used as WMD.

Secret_Hero, Undefined, 16 years ago

Non-taken, btw. IMO, the Xenomorphs came from 1 planet (I don't know where), then the first who stole the eggs was the Predators, cause they know that the species in that egg is a worthy opponent for them to hunt. Then after the events in Predator 1 and 2, AVP and AVP:R that's when the Space Jockeys stole some eggs for themselves, for bio-weapons, I think.

To get this straight, the origin of the Xenomorph is in 1 planet.

02121992, Undefined, 16 years ago

i have know idea where they come from.

predator428, Undefined, 16 years ago

Secret_Hero, the Space Jockey found in Alien was completely fossilized. It would take thousands of years for this to occur, Alien takes place a few hundred years after AvPR. Seeing as how Alien was around before Predator, it is safe to say that the directors could not involve something in their story that hadn't been created yet.

02121992, Undefined, 16 years ago

you never know.

Secret_Hero, Undefined, 16 years ago

Yeah. To know the whole answer to this one, they mustn't have to cancel the 5th sequel of Alien.