well i will consider your shield idea rogue but it would be unfair. but in my trophy rack you are my most treasured skull for you are the size of a queen. and my most challenging. same for you PA64 but you are my plasma caster. so now when i look at your skull i can think of when i was a unblood. ahhhh good times LOL
How about me OTang? can you give me some pointers on how to make my posts more detailed or entertaining. Also thanx rogue i had fun with the fight. but i have your skull. Btw otang your posts are REALLY good nice, detailed. THanx for putting me in some of your posts i like they way you put me like a honorable warrior.
i think u should all get points for participating and following the rules, despite a shaky start to the rpg. i'll see what i can do about raising everyone's points who has been aboard since this summer and participating.
probably. but why then how about................now! lol just kidding. but still blade hunter is a really good fighter i have seen him in action. i think he could beat you too. but next rpg i want you to be healthy and ready to roll.....as your skull will come off again.