My favorite would have to be the Xenomorph. These things always intruiged me, yet I have a weird history on them.
When I was younger, I first watched ALIEN with my brother and two sisters along with my dad, and befor I knew it, I was trying to act like them, like most 7-9 year-olds do.
Next week or so, my dad bought PREDATOR, and I watched it with my dad and brother.
Soon enough, I thought Preds were better, and that they kicked Alien a$$. Along that line, as I got older, the Alien just sort of kicked in, and I liked both equally. When the time came of Alien Vs. Predator, I was really excited and hyped up for it.
As I noticed how lame it had gotten throughout the times I've watched it over and over again, I realized that I liked Aliens better, for an unknown reason.
Thus, I would have been Bloo, the crazy Predator in probably Hunter's Moon (no offense SS, or Balatu).
"To me, everyone is crazy. The ones in the Mental House just got caught."