14 years ago
First, i have no xbox. In my whole live, i never possesed even a simple gameboy, consoles are nothing to me cause of the controllers. I have probs with a simple joystick, so i played even MechWarrior & FreeSpace with Mouse/Keyboard for example. By the way, using an xbox controller for AvP 2010 is lame cause it activates autoaim.
Second, probably i should note that i'm speaking of the SP mode cause that's the main part of a game for me (i still like the mp in some games, like AvP, but for me its just a "plus").
Okay, you're right about the effective speed by the AvP 1/2 aliens, but the "felt" speed of the aliens (from a marines view) is much higher in AvP2, just because in AvP1 you're extremely fast even as marine since the whole game is very fast (much faster then AvP2). And AvP2 is the only game i never managed to outrun the xenos as a marine. I understand your disagreement about AvP1, but AvP3? The alien bots are slow like hell, probably because of their ai. They're good in dodging, but very bad in attacking. I mean they move fast sometimes, but if you turn around and sprint around a few corners to get a better position, they're simply not fast enough to catch you before you're ready to nail them again. Remember, i'm speaking of SP, in MP good alien players can use the alien's own sprint ability very effective. But their slow attack speed is still my major point about the AvP3 aliens. In the needed time to kill a human in AvP3 (provided that every slash hits and the enemy isn't blocking) you could have killed 4 humans in AvP1 and two humans in AvP2 (the numbers are just approximations to point what i mean).