12 years ago
"2. Stop portraying the Xenos as raptors in space. They should move in the weird, unsettling way they did in the first and second films and stop hissing and roaring and leaping into gunfire like idiots. "
I couldn't agree more with this, though I believe it was actually Aliens that basterdized the creature in the first place. Raptors/Bugs, whatever term you want to use, making them more expendable certainly hurt the unsettling and disturbing presence of the Alien. The hive concept was the worst. It comes down to the original premise Ridley Scott used to reveal, or rather not reveal the creature and leave the audience's imagination to terrify them. The minute you start unsheathing the blade, the mystery and fear drifts away. The hive scene was a solid and memorable sequence, but I still can't dislike that the aliens were represented in that way.