Bug-hunt, I read your first post after mine, and I am surprised by how much you planned for this Tattoo. You got different pictures and actually used your Alien figure to get the pose right, I have to say, you did a great job picking the things for want for it.
Now, who want to play some Mad Gab? This word right here is what my Step-dad is and plus Bug-hunt had gone to to get his TAT.
The word is: A Hat Who Her
Well anyway, I do agree what you said Bug-hunt, the Details is the main aim for any type of tattoo. It could be a tiny little butterfly on your hip, or it could be a portrait of someone you care for on your shoulder, but that right there man. Your plan and the Tattooist's skill with the gun, yall did a great job of making that piece of art come to life. -nods-

Wars are the Dread of Mothers