17 years ago
Hmm... something`s wrong with your computer or internet... that happened to Ace too... and lucifer`s lost his account back when he was still he subleader... and now rayne`s lost his account too... i think someone`s cursed the Shadow Serpents...
Now back on topic, as i`ve said this mvie looks good, but it still needs logical events and well-directed logical events, and a good storyline for those events to fit in. It needs to not have crappy lines, dumb actors and whatever else the other AvP had. Also, it need to have some good characters so that it doesn`t become Freddy Versus Jason in stead of Alien Versus Predator. The best thing i`ve seen so far is how the main character`s mouth looks so much like Ripley`s mouth lol... (yea, also the aliens, pred weapons, whatever floats your boat, bla, bla). The way everything looks as it should and resembles nothing from AvP 1 is very encouraging, also i see most of you are excited about blood and gore, but a movie about an anvil squishing people reppeatedly for 2 hours would have blood and gore too and i don`t think it would be a blockbuster.