The video game franchise

Voltage-3000, Yautja, 12 years ago

Do you think the video games themselves have improved to the fans since they first started coming out? like recent games such Aliens Colonial Marines and the late AVP.

In my opinion i have never had the luxury to play the older games but the newer ones i guess are okay by me. but i think they can be better.

daveberg, Yautja, 12 years ago

There's far greater attention to detail in the games today. From the sound effects all the way to the visuals - Colonial Marines was a delight to behold once you made it into the famous corridoors of Hadley's hope.

Gameplay wise - there's a lot left to be worked on. None of the games yet have captured that true feeling of being helpless. They lack real survival horror traits, which is why I think if they want to make a really gritty, scary Alien game, they have to base it on the original film and have the gameplay in the same league as Dead Space.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 12 years ago

^Me, Mebber and Ash actually talked about something a lot similar to that MONTHS ago. You'd be one survivor with no weapons training or anything, just running from the same Xenomorph the entire game. No conventiional weaponry or anything, you'd have to rely a lot on solving puzzles than can either stall or get you away from the Xeno, and a lot of the atmosphere would be attributed to the intense cinematic camera angles and dark musical tones. And there wouldn't be a lot of scripted sequences in general - shit can happen ANYWHERE, as it'd be an open "world" (set in a ship or something).

However, that'd get boring really quick (like the whole repetitive Slenderman thing), so there will be instances where you have to intentionally encounter the Xenomorph to accomplish your goals, and story-wise, there's a completely logical reason for your character to be wandering in the ship for so long. Basically it's Dead Space + I Am Alive + Amnesia + Fatal Frame, but with Giger's Drone.

God, I'm depressing myself because this is never gonna happen.

Voltage-3000, Yautja, 12 years ago

See the visuals yeah are great but i want a better story. like the one the ones in the movies. I dont want to be some special marine i want to be some civilian trying to survive.

Instead of looking at the bigger picture where their is this race war going on i want to see from some survivors view.

that would add to the horror itself and take away all the blunt action and give some effect too it.

you guys ever play a game called run like hell? it was for ps2 and xbox. it was about space and these alien things that looked like well xenos but you run around surviving and trying to find a way off this dead ship but at the same time you cant really kill anything cause soon or later they get use to you and your attacks.

that would work perfectly in an alien game. Instead of destroying and killing everything it be just about survival and being oblivious to whats really going on.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 12 years ago

Yeah, I remember RLH. I could never finish that game back in the day, it was way too scary.

The point where I quit was when you had to crowbar a door open or something, and while you did it, one of those huge motherfuckers was creeping up on you nearby. I was just 100% done at that point. I never saw what happened to you if you didn't open the door on time.

Mebber, Yautja, 12 years ago

I still think of AVP 1+2 as two best games in the franchise, they gave me a real creep. It wasn't that kind of survival feeling but pure panic. I remember playing one specific mission in Avp2, you had to crawl deep into an alien hive, and once you're in the center of it... the hive awakes. And then you had to run for your life to reach the safety of your APC, because it was just IMPOSSIBLE to kill all of the bugs (not enough ammo, infinitive xeno spawns). Playing that on Director's cut with only one life - i almost got a heart attack. Same with Avp1, the limited amount of lifes plus the fact that the xenos were just so damn fast and strong (and in avp1 they spawned infinitive in every mission as far as i remember) made you really feel the fear. Nothing of the new games can nearly come close to that for me, and i think it's also better than the even earlier games of the franchise.

The idea of an alien game with is truely built up as a survival game, like Bloos idea, is a great one, although i usually prefer horror games where you have to kill tons of monsters and feel scared at the same time. But i guess he's right, thats not the kind of games most people like to play, so i doubt there'd be a publisher who would finance a project like that.

But than again... there's always kickstarter, so it's not impossible.

daveberg, Yautja, 12 years ago

I think it most definitely should be a survival horror game, but with the element of having to salvage together parts from the ship in order to make crude weapons in order to protect yourself etc. I think you'd need to throw in a few main characters, all with different abilities in order to have some kind of variety to the gameplay.

Peterson, Yautja, 12 years ago

in all reality look at it like this, If you base a game soley off its graphics then its not worth it to actually play it, graphics dont make a game they simply add to it, in my opinion i wasnt disappointed at all with the newer games i rather enjoyed them, however there are always things you can improve on no matter what the franchise Dead Space for instnce needs to stop ripping off other franchises. but then again thats all my opinion.

DarkLioness, Yautja, 12 years ago

Speaking of Dead Space, which I have never played before, am I the only who thinks that game copied a few things from Doom a little bit? Minus the whole spitting fire and being from Hell thing and all.

Mebber, Yautja, 12 years ago

Dead Space borrows quite much from The Thing, and not so much from Aliens (as long as you don't call every killing-monsters-in-space game an aliens rip off). But there aren't that many games who doesen't borrow from other franchises today anyway. Some call it rip off, others (mostly the devs i guess ;)) "inspiration". I don't bother as long as it all fits together well.

That's one of the big cool things about the Alien franchise in my opinion, it's still one of the most innovative and one-of-a-kind franchises monster-wise.

By the way, the king of franchise rip-offs is still Starcraft for me. But as i said, i don't bother as long as it fits together...

-Bloo-, Yautja, 12 years ago

Yeah, in Dead Space's case, a lot of what it takes from other franchises just works.

Now, if you've ever watched a movie called "Alien 3000"...

Mebber, Yautja, 12 years ago

Speaking of Alien and rip offs...

DarkLioness, Yautja, 12 years ago

^Yep. Total rip off.

I mentioned Dead Space being a rip-off of some of the content from Doom because of the appearance of some of the creatures. Looking at some of the random walk-throughs on YouTube I have noticed elements from The Thing as well as Alien.

Mebber, Yautja, 12 years ago

I think quite a lot of horror games share some of their aesthetic characteristics in monster design. The Suffering, Doom 3, Dead Space, the weird supernatural guys from Condemned, even Silent Hill in some cases, they all fall partly into the category "strange twisted pale-skinned monsters" from my point of view. You could pick single monster types and insert them with minor changes into one of the other games, and it would fit well i guess. But the giger-style of the xenos is still quite unique imo.

concretehunter, Yautja, 12 years ago

It could be abit more l4d, Yet with less guns.

The idea being that you HAVE to split up in order to solve certain puzzles. This means that the Xeno can pick off anyone at any time. The problem is that you need to make people feel weak and small and like they're going to die constantly.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 11 years ago

Yeah. The Tank from L4D, the Pure Flood from Halo, the Crusher and Queen/Empress, the Axe guy and Nemesis from RE, that big motherfucker from RLH... The Doom thing... It's less "ripping off" and more "we need a big asshole, how can we design our own?"

Voltage-3000, Yautja, 11 years ago

Appearance of the creatures in dead space are models from car victims lol they look more like zombie or mutated creatures. In doom they look like demons or half machinery. i really dont see the rip off

BUT back on topic, i think they should make a predator game with survival skills. but not in like the human world, more on its planet, fighting against other preds. A story that involves the predator becoming an elder in its time while living a life fighting large creatures and rival preds.

DarkLioness, Yautja, 11 years ago

"we need a big asshole, how can we design our own?"

Ok now that bit I do agree with.

Voltage, you made some good points about the appearance of the Necromorphs in Dead Space.

Ok as far as Left 4 Dead goes, a game I REALLY want, I saw a little of the Tank and the Jockey in the design of the Necromorphs mainly their coloration though.

Voltage-3000, Yautja, 11 years ago

jockey? tank i do not see any of these in the game, unless you guys can show me what you mean then yeah.

DarkLioness, Yautja, 11 years ago

^I was talking about the appearance of the creatures. The Tank and Jockey were never in Dead Space.

Voltage-3000, Yautja, 11 years ago

...yeah i know i want to see example that mimics their appearance