The "Rank the movies from best to worst" thread
15 years ago
I know we've probably had these kinds of topics before, but since there hasn't been much activities lately I thought this would give us some stuff to post while we all wait for AVP3(game). Plus, it gives us a chance to look back at the movies that brought us here in the first place. Here's my ranking (and reasons):
1.Aliens: The perfect sci-fi action movie, a true classic. Memorable characters, scenes, quotes (that people still use today). Plus, it introduces us to the Colonial Marines which my clan is a part of.
2.Predator: While I hold Aliens higher, this is still one of the best actions movies I've seen, with some campiness for further enjoyment. It also gave us the Predator, a creature that not since the T-1000 can so convincingly lay a beatdown on Arnold like that.
3.Alien: While I prefer the action style of the above movies, this one still takes the spot for having the introduction to the Alien, effects that still hold up well today, and the best performance from the actors in all these movies.
4.Alien 3: While this movie may be a bit too different for most people's liking, I personally found that I've appreciated it more after a couple of viewings. A decent movie.
5.Predator 2: While this movie has a stupid plot and action that doesn't stand up to the first, it manages to increase the camp factor (almost intentionally) making it a pretty enjoyable movie.
6.Alien vs Predator: And here's a movie that could've benefited from Pred 2's self aware camp. Instead it takes itself too seriously with a movie that has a stupid plot about Pyramids, cheesy action scenes that resembles WWE brawls and forgettable actors.
7.AVP Requiem: This movie tried to fix what AVP did but manages to be slightly worse by having a plot that focuses even less about the titular Aliens and Predators and instead resembling some TV drama series (complete with a social awkward teen, his romantic interest and her jerk boyfriend).
8.Alien Res: It's hard to pinpoint one thing that's particularly bad about this movie, because everything in it is so forgettable. The only thing it created was the abominations known as the Newborn and Ripley clone (with acid blood no less) and some obnoxious supporting characters.