the different alien designs (in the movies)

Soldier, Undefined, 19 years ago

There were many diferent designs used in the Alien movies. What is your favorite, and why do you think diferent designs were used? Here are some pics for people who haven't seen all of them.


Alien 3

Alien Resurrection


Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

Dave, I totaly agree with you, so in a way, I'm agreeing with Stalker, yet again.

AVP wasnt scary. It had decent action moments.
Anyway, I thought that Rez aliens (The aliens from A:R) were made of some aquatic lizard type thing. wait, that was just a theory from one site that updated five(5) years ago.

Scar_Face, Undefined, 19 years ago

Celtic getting cockey was a VERY important in the Predator half of the story. They were tecnically teens right? And out of teenage overconfidence he got cocky and paid for it.

-=!!!MY SKULL!!!=-

Soldier, Undefined, 19 years ago

THose are good points. Maybe I was wrong. Ravagers are probably best left in Extinction, where they made their debut. I agree on the newborn thing. Although the newborn was cool looking, it doesn't deserve another movie with it. That's what made the first three movies so good, no ¢r@ppy hybrids.

daveberg, Undefined, 19 years ago

Again, agreed, stalker, i find the games and comics to be quite ludicrous is some aspects and feel they ruin the continuity of the actual movie franchise, We don't have to call the runner anything but an 'Alien' Or a xenomorph. No need to create vast adaptations just so younger audiences can identify with them - these films were designed for adults, that's what made AVP so poor, they tried to widen the audience for it and it just didn't work.

darkness of acheron

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

i was cinda disapointed with how easaly the preds wer killd. in the pred movies they proved to be almost indestructable i meen jungal hunter hade a huge tree droped on him and was still alive


Scar_Face, Undefined, 19 years ago


I think that they offed Chopper WAY too soon.

-=!!!MY SKULL!!!=-

daveberg, Undefined, 19 years ago

They were good to an extent, scar face, though could've been improved vastly. Still enjoyble moments though.

darkness of acheron

Scar_Face, Undefined, 19 years ago

But you can't deny that that the fights of Celtic vs. Grid, and Scar/Woods vs. The Queen, were awsome.

-=!!!MY SKULL!!!=-

Stalker, Undefined, 19 years ago

The preds in AVP were a huge letdown in my opinion. They were almost different creatures to the ones in the pred movies. In AVP they were just big, lumbering brutes who were about as smart as a brick. Granted, some of the new weapons such as the armblades & shurikens were cool & nobody can deny that they had great masks (especially celtic, although it was based off a mask in pred 2), but they just seemed detached from the original preds.

On another note, yes, the celt vs grid fight was satisfying to watch. Seeing grid hurled through the air like a piece of meat & then swinging his tail, spraying acid everywhere, was an unforgettable moment. But the whole fight was over too soon. It should have been twice as long. Just when it was really heating up, celt goes & gets cocky & gets himself killed


Stalker, Undefined, 19 years ago

predalien 64- in my opinion the comics aren't to betaken seriously either, I wouldn't take any "facts" from them as being true.

also, scar face- in my personal opinion, the carriers & ravagers do make a mockery of the aliens. Aliens are meant to be cunning creatures, ambushing & stalking their prey from the shadows. Their bodies are perfectly designed for taking down other lifeforms, making them extremelly efficient killing machines, the ravager for example, throws all this out the window. They could have been designed by a 3 year old, their huge, hulking bodies & massive "hull" blades for hands seems to go against the essence of what an alien should be, to me, they are childish & ridiculous


Scar_Face, Undefined, 19 years ago

I never said the Ravager should be put in a movie. I just said that they would be cool in a movie. I would like to see a CG version of a Ravager and that every detail was put into him. The game's graphics weren't all that great so it would be nice to get a better picture.

Anyway, you're probobly right that it would be difficult to find something for the Ravager to spawn from. I was thinking a bear or other large animal known for its claws.

Extinction's "pure breeds" as it called them were from Preatorians. Supposevly when the preatorian-face-hugger lays an embryo into the host, when the DNA would be extanged the Embryo doesn't receive any from its host. Leaving it with only Alien DNA. Hence "Pure Breeds."

Now from Extincions point of view a Preatorian(pure bred) can morph into three different forms. Another Queen, a Carrier, and a Ravager, depending on the hive's needs for them.

I totally agree with you guys in saying that these aren't in Cannon. But i like them a lot. They're fun, cool, and at least they have a plausible explanation for them.

Unlike the Newborn, which was a huge disaster. I didn't think it was all that cool looking. It wasn't very bright. It wouldn't be very entertaining to be him in any game. And most of all there is absolutly no reason that anybody gave for its existance. At least Exinction was courtious enough to provide us with an explination for their inventions.

predalien_64, Undefined, 19 years ago

Ya, I would have a hard time if they ever put Ravagers in the movies. For one thing how would they be made? The game was very skimpy on how there are made and how can they be considered "pure breeds" if they spawn from a foreign host. And what would spawn such a monster. i would be vary disappointed if they put one in a movie. But besides the fact Ravagers being unenviable they are fun as hell to play.


Predalien of the Shadow Serpents

Stalker, Undefined, 19 years ago

lol, same here, I shove AVP on at 3:00 in the morning when I'm bored & have nothing else to do, lol, that's it's only use, a sleeping pill, lol


daveberg, Undefined, 19 years ago

I call AVP my 'sleep movie' It's the DVD i put on to help me go to sleep some nites whe i'm not staying with my partner - no there's now way i'd ever resort to usin of the alien films forthat, well ok, maybe one, but Resurrection was a stink pot.

darkness of acheron

Stalker, Undefined, 19 years ago

AVP, to me anyway, is a half decent movie to take out when you're so bored you'd bang your own head against a wall for amusement. Basically, it's a movie to watch if you've got nothing else to do. It isn't a movie that you can really sit down & enjoy like the majority of alien or predator movies, it was quite a big dissapointment overall compared to what it could have been.


cardmaster12595, Undefined, 19 years ago

*spits acid on every non-alien* lol, sorry I'm a bit bored

daveberg, Undefined, 19 years ago

Plus the camera work for the first part of the battle was horrendous, the guy who filmed that had more shakes than me the morning after a pub crawl!

darkness of acheron

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

and will someone give em 50 pence for the light,jeez,u couldnt see half of the start of it,mr anderson more interested in trying to be artistic by showing shadows of em fighting

Stalker, Undefined, 19 years ago

the whole story with the creation for the newborn is that because Ripley's DNA was mixed with the aliens from the cloning, the queen took on some human traits. Namely the ability to give birth to live young without the need for an eggsac, the same as a human. The newborn was still completely ridiculous in my opinion. It seemed socially retarted with the other aliens, it did not go by the rest of the hive & acted more like a human, the first thing it saw it claimed to be it's mother, which is completely stupid in my opinion & is a complete disgrace to the alien franchise. I wonder what Tom Woodruff Jr (creature effects & alien actor) was smoking when he thought up that ridiculous, albino tub of guts excuse for a xenomorph


Scar_Face, Undefined, 19 years ago

I believe we got off topic a bit.

-=!!!MY SKULL!!!=-