avpunlimited, Undefined, 17 years ago

What does a drone come from then?

in space...
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can hear you scream...


Crow, Undefined, 17 years ago

A drone comes from a facehugger. A warrior is just a mature male drone.


avpunlimited, Undefined, 17 years ago

Crow, Undefined, 17 years ago

Once again, you have no proof. From the lack of corpses in Aliens and the large population of people who were aboard the colony, it's safe to say the xenomorphs consume their prey after they have given birth to chestbursters.

The Dog alien eating its prey in Alien 3 just further backs this up.


avpunlimited, Undefined, 17 years ago

I know. I was talking about the cloning.

in space...
no one...
can hear you scream...


avpunlimited, Undefined, 17 years ago

It was just fucking eating for fun, the aliens in Aliens had no food, and didn't eat the dead humans, the humans food wouldn't work well with an alien.

in space...
no one...
can hear you scream...


Crow, Undefined, 17 years ago

Different xenomorphs have different genitals. Some are male, some are female. It's in the illustrations, and it's in the thread.

Read the biology. All of your questions are answered there.


avpunlimited, Undefined, 17 years ago

Since they have male and female genitals, there is no male or female.

in space...
no one...
can hear you scream...


Mishmuf, Undefined, 17 years ago

Why do you always do this? None of things you said can be prove, and, infact, there's evidence to say other wise to some of your ideas.

"And if a drone could turn into a queen, then it would have done that in alien."

First, the idea of a queen alien didn't come till after Alien. Secondly, why would you undergo a metamorphosis if you know there are hostiles nearby that can disrubt the process? You wouldn't.

"There is no such thing as a warrior. Its just drone."

Have you seen Aliens? The aliens in that were warrior aliens. Not only did they have a diferently Shaped heads, but the credits at the end of the movie clearly state who was in the WARRIOR ALIEN costume.

"there is no female drone."

I don't not really have any proof I can give here, but I think it's absolutely ridiculous to say that out of the hundreds of eggs producted, ALL of them have Y chromosones.

"And The alien in alien three might have ate the humans head (I saw it last night) but that doesn't mean that it needs to eat to live. It can't starve."

So, for no reason at all, I just chose to eat? Doesn't that sound a little fishy to you?

Mishmuf_02.jpg *sigh* If only I was witty enough to think of something to say here.

avpunlimited, Undefined, 17 years ago

That means that they are both drones, and your saying an immature drone can turn into a queen and a mature one can't???

in space...
no one...
can hear you scream...


avpunlimited, Undefined, 17 years ago

This is on topic.

in space...
no one...
can hear you scream...


-Bloo-, Undefined, 17 years ago

Look, my fellow Shadow serpent, you crossed the sane-line when you said insects aren't multicellular. I know we had that agreement... but that was just ridiculous.

"To me, everyone is crazy. The ones in the mental house got caught."

avpunlimited, Undefined, 17 years ago

"The second jaw takes the place of a tongue. If they don't just eat with their primary mouth as a normal organism does with a tongue, then they consume with both, with the muscular contraction used for swallowing forcing food down their second jaw as well as their primary, with the food being joined together further down the thoat."


in space...
no one...
can hear you scream...


-Bloo-, Undefined, 17 years ago

AVPunlimited wrote:
""The second jaw takes the place of a tongue. If they don't just eat with their primary mouth as a normal organism does with a tongue, then they consume with both, with the muscular contraction used for swallowing forcing food down their second jaw as well as their primary, with the food being joined together further down the thoat."



"To me, everyone is crazy. The ones in the mental house got caught."

donut, Undefined, 17 years ago

proof: the alien in alien 3 was using its second jaw when eating said prisoner

~i draw things...it is delicious~
~first female on teh site! w00t w00t!~

avpunlimited, Undefined, 17 years ago

The double jaw is meant for killing, its nothing like a tongue.

in space...
no one...
can hear you scream...


Stalker, Undefined, 17 years ago

That's it, I've had enough of this. Unlimited, you have been quite frankly driving everyone insane for the past 3-4 days by constantly carrying this debate on, & you've completely ignored everything I've just said. One more post on this subject, & it'll be a warning.


avpunlimited, Undefined, 17 years ago

"That's it, I've had enough of this. Unlimited, you have been quite frankly driving everyone insane for the past 3-4 days by constantly carrying this debate on, & you've completely ignored everything I've just said. One more post on this subject, & it'll be a warning."

Ok, its hard for me, I am sorry for spamming, and I will stop.

in space...
no one...
can hear you scream...


Unknown, Undefined, 17 years ago

Stalker ... Leave the spam out mate, i think youl find he is driving everyone crazy because his beliefs are different than ours .... as such thats merely childidsh behavior on out part ....... everyone is entitled to their opinion

Questions and Answers, Answers

1) Xenomorphs are telepathic

Crow: No. Xenomorphs possess no sort of mental link with one another, and are not capable of telepathy. If they were, then they would have absolutely no need to be so vocal.

Killswitch; Exactly

2) Xenomorphs communicate with pheromones

Crow: No. If they did so, then the yautja would have already cracked the pheromone code and used it against the xenomorphs during their hunts. This would also eliminate the need for them to be vocal. The xenomorph queen does, however, use pheromones to prevent her drones from being capable of transforming into queens in order to prevent overpopulation or conflict. They also use pheromones to distinguish one another as being part of a hive.

Killswitch : Exactly

3) Xenomorphs need to breathe

Crow: No. If xenomorphs needed to breathe, then they could not survive in the vacuum of space.

Killswitch : at no point has an alien demostrated the abilty to survive the vacum of space .... that would actually take quit a bit of time

Aliens surviving in space for the length of time it did acts as no evidence towards aliens breathing or not
....................Questrion =
How long can a human live unprotected in space?

If you don't try to hold your breath, exposure to space for half a minute or so is unlikely to produce permanent injury. Holding your breath is likely to damage your lungs, something scuba divers have to watch out for when ascending, and you'll have eardrum trouble if your Eustachian tubes are badly plugged up, but theory predicts -- and animal experiments confirm -- that otherwise, exposure to vacuum causes no immediate injury. You do not explode. Your blood does not boil. You do not freeze. You do not instantly lose consciousness.

Various minor problems (sunburn, possibly "the bends", certainly some [mild, reversible, painless] swelling of skin and underlying tissue) start after ten seconds or so. At some point you lose consciousness from lack of oxygen. Injuries accumulate. After perhaps one or two minutes, you're dying. The limits are not really known.

You do not explode and your blood does not boil because of the containing effect of your skin and circulatory system. You do not instantly freeze because, although the space environment is typically very cold, heat does not transfer away from a body quickly. Loss of consciousness occurs only after the body has depleted the supply of oxygen in the blood. If your skin is exposed to direct sunlight without any protection from its intense ultraviolet radiation, you can get a very bad sunburn.

At NASA's Manned Spacecraft Center (now renamed Johnson Space Center) we had a test subject accidentally exposed to a near vacuum (less than 1 psi) in an incident involving a leaking space suit in a vacuum chamber back in '65. He remained conscious for about 14 seconds, which is about the time it takes for O2 deprived blood to go from the lungs to the brain. The suit probably did not reach a hard vacuum, and we began repressurizing the chamber within 15 seconds. The subject regained consciousness at around 15,000 feet equivalent altitude. The subject later reported that he could feel and hear the air leaking out, and his last conscious memory was of the water on his tongue beginning to boil.

Aviation Week and Space Technology (02/13/95) printed a letter by Leonard Gordon which reported another vacuum-packed anecdote:

"The experiment of exposing an unpressurized hand to near vacuum for a significant time while the pilot went about his business occurred in real life on Aug. 16, 1960. Joe Kittinger, during his ascent to 102,800 ft (19.5 miles) in an open gondola, lost pressurization of his right hand. He decided to continue the mission, and the hand became painful and useless as you would expect. However, once back to lower altitudes following his record-breaking parachute jump, the hand returned to normal."

The aliens main use for oxygen might just be communication, you cant produce sound without it

that would explain the Queen aliens heavy breathing considering at the time she required it to order the two warriors not to attack ripley whilst she held the flamethrower over the eggs

Aliens would appear to be very tactical in how they hunt prey and communication is clearly important to them which would explain the constant iintake of air (Rez: Both killing the other alien and expiring against the glass)

4) Xenomorphs do not have genders

Crow: Once again, this is false. If xenomorphs did not have any sort of gender, then their mutation rate would be far too limited, and the species would ultimately never be able to survive. Additionally, the illustrations made by H.R. Giger clearly display xenomorphs with genitalia.

Killswitch : Noep .. this is another topic though, il make that soon

5) The xenomorph queen can regenerate her abdomen

Crow: No. Just as how xenomorph drones cannot regenerate lost limbs, the queen cannot regrow her abdomen. Once it is gone, she is forever unable to reproduce normal facehuggers for the hive.

Killswitch : Dont really know ... you have absolutely know proof that the alien queen canot regenerate her abdomen , combine the whole alien franchise and the only real though or mention of any of that concept is in the comic books in which she can indeed regenerate her abdomen in time when the location is secured (Figure of speech)

6) The resin-coating within a hive is designed to carry sound waves

Crow: Yes. Because xenomorphs communicate vocally, they design their colonies to carry sound over extremely long distances, enabling them to hear intruders and listen for orders from the queen. Additionally, the resin is used to make the living conditions of the hive more comfortable for the xenomorphs, as well as provide them with ample ambush locations.

Killswitch : You said it not me lmao

7) Xenomorphs were made by the Space Jockeys

There is absolutely no proof that this is true in any way. Also, the cloning process in Alien: resurrection thoroughly disproves the possibility that their genetic code was created by advanced artificial means.

Killswitch : duum dumm duummm ... explain that in a little more depth to someone with an a level in advanced science ...lol thats BS for lack of a better phrase , so im asking you to explain how that dissproves the possibility that their genetic code was created by advanced artificial means.

**Truely awsome thread .... pitty its all over Crows Bioligy but shit happens ..... Mods try to reffrain from locking this .... thats usually the way it goes and then were all back to bitching about how we never have any good threads umm wonder why !!!

Universal Affliction: The best site on the Web ;)
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cutm3up, Undefined, 17 years ago

wow kill did you just type all that just then?!

and i guess your right... 0_o


Join this site. It's practically finished and most of the rp's have started! If you join be sure to pick a character that will reflect on yourself. Marquee>
