The AVP:R cover-up
14 years ago
Lately after watching AVP:R again, something's been bothering me. At the end of the movie, a whole town is nuked killing everyone and the Aliens and Predator inside it as well. This as we all know is the supposed explanation as to why no one learned about Aliens until the first Alien movie (if we were to consider AVP:R to be canon). This brings up a bunch of problems however.
First off, even without any trace of Aliens or Predators left, a huge nuclear explosion and the disappearance of a whole town is not an event that goes unoticed by the public. People are going to start asking questions. And secondly, there were a good number of survivors who lived to tell the tale. I mean, this wasn't like AVP where only 1 person (Lex) survived. I can believe that WY might be able to silence one single person, but covering up a nuclear explosion as well as silencing a handful of witnesses is quite a stretch.
What do you guys think? How does this happen?