ferdoni, Undefined, 16 years ago

A roomer that the smash trilogy 'TERMINATOR' should be in the nxt A.V.P movie. Personnally I think it would be amazing to have a mix with all three movies,

all suffering in judgement day. WOW!! totally Aussom!!

So what do you think?

What would you think of an 'A.V.P.JD' (ALIENS VERSUS PREDATOR JUDGEMENT DAY) ?

Lone_Hunter2, Undefined, 16 years ago

it would completly destroy all three franchises! and I would kill the person responsible for it.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 16 years ago

I would let him live, cos i'm not that cruel anymore, but i'd sure give him a good spanky!

predator428, Undefined, 16 years ago


-Bloo-, Undefined, 16 years ago

Every year there's a topic about AVPVT. Even though saying 'AVPVT' is really catchy, the actualy thing would not be.

TITANOSAUR, Undefined, 16 years ago

its up to Fox on what they want to do.

but because Terminator isn't one of they're products I doubt Universal would want to make a Cossover as well.