Stunning discovery

Predator_Killor, Undefined, 19 years ago

Once again, today i watched predator again... if u wanted to kno... no i dont have a life.. anyway i think the guys name is poncho im not sure but the 1 that at first was carrying ol' painless there is a shot of him walkin past with ol' painless and he is wearing a t shirt that says MTV on it lol... new discovery for me i was like.... :\

Silent like the night
Striking without warning...
Pray they dont take you alive....

OTANG, Undefined, 19 years ago

ya not exactly military issued gear lol


Azzazin of Balatu
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Stalker, Undefined, 19 years ago

that was blaine wearing the MTV shirt, I had already noticed that long ago


predatoress, Undefined, 19 years ago

Hmmmmmmmh, maybe I'm blind but I haven't seen that even I've watched the movie like million times. But a... I usually put fast forward and watch just the shots with predator in it lmao


The servant and the observer of Balatu

Kingdom of Predators

Kingdom of Predators Forum

davii008, Undefined, 19 years ago

i like pred 1 its good but the bits where they are just taling us BOOOOORRRRIIINNNNGG! the pred bits r gud

i will slaughter predators whether young,old,female or male...facehuggers are my brothers...chestbursters are my cousins...i will slaughter predators whether young,old,female or male...

Hunter_Predator, Undefined, 19 years ago

I haven't seen Pred 1 in a while, now that you said that about Blain, I'm gonna end up looking for that everytime I watch the movie and not hear what they're saying, if they're even talking. lol, thanks... :( lol.

~~~~~Feet First Into HELL~~~~~

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

i like pred 2 you all predators on ships

predalien26 of two princes

Dalkar, Undefined, 19 years ago

ya i noticed the MTV shirt a while back. Though it isn't something you would expect a guy that carries around a minigun to wear.

Death is only the Beginning

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

Meh. My friend commented on that when we were watching Predator for kicks. I see it ever time now.
I think that the director didnt like MTV :).

Deathdrop, Undefined, 19 years ago

That was meant to give Blaine some distinction from the rest of the soilders. True, I didn't think MTV really fit his character much, but he probably didn't know what MTV WAS, which is probably why he was wearing it. Personally, I thought the parts where the guys were talking were some of the movie's strongest moments. Though I must admit, the part where the Pred shows Blaine the REAL "old painless" is my favorite scene. I have to yell "BOOM!" everytime I watch it. Yes, I'm a gore-hound. Leeme alone.


Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

after watching that movie every weekend i hadnt noticed that until i watched 'if it bleeds we kill it'. i felt stupid then

This space for lease

Predator_Killor, Undefined, 19 years ago

yes.. i dont think the director liked mtv?? a few minutes later after seeing it blaine gets owned by plasta caster n blows a hole thru the shirt n his chest xD

Silent like the night
Striking without warning...
Pray they dont take you alive....

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

if you dont like something, get a pred to shoot it with a plasma caster, sounds good to me.

This space for lease

Predator_Killor, Undefined, 19 years ago

yeh y not lol it did a good job of blaine but remember it only burnt arnies arm lol must be all those steroids?

Silent like the night
Striking without warning...
Pray they dont take you alive....

Freya, Undefined, 19 years ago

I think that the first movie was better than the other ones..

Deathdrop, Undefined, 19 years ago

Oh, hell yeah.


Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

First had more gore, in my opinion, whist the second was more like "Killed that, Kill this!"

Scar_Face, Undefined, 19 years ago

The reason it only burned him, was because it just knicked him. Either the Predator didn't feel like locking on, or Arnold moved just in time, I don't know, but that's the excuse I give myself whenever I see it.

-=!!!MY SKULL!!!=-