16 years ago
Those were deferent versions, so I can say, only the first Alien and only the first Predator, which IS a BETTER match up, it's more accurate, because those were how they were meant to be, because they were made by the original Director, Hollywood doesn't give anyone the right to change the original version of something.
The Predator could smack around Arnold because he had a lot more muscle, I'm sure a human can get that strong. A Predator receives as much damage from punches as anyone else, but can take a lot more pain.
Predators are kind of mean, and like fighting.
Deleted scenes are canon by all means, more so than sequels, because they were made by the original director.
If a Predator tried to resist the vacuum of space, which is air molecules rushing out into space, with more force than any jet engine, the Predator would get it's limbs ripped off...