14 years ago
Well in fact the Space jockeys invented Easter- and it was their very heart of religios celebrations. They believed in the Great Old Ones, especially in Gfrnck'Frnknau, the Great white oviparous Terrorbunny.
In ancient prophecies, Gfrnck'Frnknau promised his followers immortality in case they could manage to find all of his hidden holy eggs. The space jockeys started a religious search each year to discover all of the eggs. After a few thousand years they had found all of em'. The derelict ship on LV-426 was the frighter carrying the last load of eggs, heading for the space jockey's homeworld, where the they started a pray to Gfrnck'Frnknau to get their well-earned reward (the derelict ship had a flat tire, that's why they came too late to the ceremony). Well Gfrnck'Frnknau was a little jokester, and the whole immortality-thing was bullshit. Instead of giving immortality to the jockeys, he breached the sealing of every 7th of his little egg's, revealing a lot of fun, surprise and chocolate, before all of the space jockey were facehugged. And that's the one and only truth about the space jockeys.