Something Interesting in the new "Fire and Stone" solits...
10 years ago
So... What the hell is that thing? Looks like Ultraman and the Colossal Titan had a baby. It looks like another black goo fiasco, which means Prometheus stuff is getting integrated more fully. This rebooted Alien/Predator/Prometheus/AVP comics universe is going to be different, to say the least.
Here's the thing: Dark Horse just lost the rights for Star Wars to Marvel Comics. Were I them, I would be shitting my pants trying to find a franchise to replace it. If I had to guess, Dark Horse is trying to build this project into something to slow the bleeding. Alien and Predator WERE pretty big draws back in the 90's (they were like drunks in a bar, picking fights with just about every other comics character under the sun), so the move makes sense.
I won't lie-I'm interested. Even if the whole unified timeline thing doesn't work out, the Alien comics sound like they're gonna be something special. Anyone else have thoughts about this?