I have decided to do somthing for this site and its members, i would like to draw your RPG characters! All you have to do is tell me in great depth of your characters appearance and their background so i can position a pose for it.
Now one paragraph decribing your whole character is not really going to help me alot but say 5 paragraphs would really help get an in-depth perspective of what they look like, even if you cant describe somthing.. say the mask of you predator, give me a quick drawing of it on paint and i will try to work on it the best i can.
But it will take a bit of time as i have to scan each image and put it on here, i'll edit my post and show you a image of my character once i've drawn it. If you would like to now if im good at art or not just ask Donut shes seen some of my old artwork on MSN webcam.
(lol i hope she remembers that)
Heres My RPG Character lol its a bit sloppy though.
Creature of the Dark