17 years ago
I like aliens, cos they`re like cats or so... Cats without fur, eyes, breadth, with lots of saliva, taller than a human, with vewry long and strong tails, that need to burst out of another crerature`s chest to live, cats that have a queen, a hive, eggs, a facehugger state of evolution, a combat jaw with which they`ll blow your brains out, but deffenetly cats.
Preds are more like humans, they`ve like a primitive stage of the human culture, or just one humans didn`t get to yet, cos this thing with the clans is just speculation for all i know, anywho, with highly eveolved technology. This technology hasn`t advanced for thousants of years though... so that would indicate more of a tribal sort of society, where technological advancements are hard to get to because of the lack of cooperation... Anyway, they`re more like humans and i don`t like humans.