just bringing this up to clear up a couple of things. First of all, the wrist gauntlet projectile in pred 2 was not the speargun. It is an unnamed weapon to my knowledge, but it closely resembles the energy flechette weapon from primal hunt. Second of all, the spears in primal hunt weren't naginatas, they were just a different take on the combistick. The elder spear in AVP with the blades extending from it was also a combistick, as are the apears from pred 2 & AVP, the elders one was just a modified version. Nagainatas are a much more respected & feared weapon that combisticks & are brandished only by highly honoured warriors such as elders. They are long spears which are usually decorated with trophies & have large bladed ends, usually carved in a ceremonial fashion, here are a couple of naginata pics: