Predator weapons - final

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

Ok people, heres a complete list of all the Predator Weapons we have seen up till now,in the games and movies.

Plasmacaster: all games and movies
Disc: Predator 2
Shuriken: AvP
Spear: Predator 2, AvP (games and movies)
Net: Predator 2
Wire Net: AvP (movie)
Wrist Blades: all games and movies
Predgun: AvP: Extinction
Scythe: AvP: Extinction
Gauntlet plasmacaster: Predator 2
Plasma pistol: AvP 2 (game)
Grenades: AvP 2 (game)
Rope (for strangulation, hanging bodies, making the human skull belt/necklace, and tying together stuff): AvP (movie)
Glaive: Predator: Concrete Jungle
Spear gun: Predator 2
Shooting wrist blades: AvP (movie)
Nuclear device on wrist (all games and movies)
Electroshock missiles: AvP: Extinction
Heat beam from Shrine: AvP: Extinction
Bleeder spear (upgrade of Spear master): AvP: Extinction
Naginata: AvP (with elder Predator), Predator 2

Stalker, Undefined, 19 years ago

just bringing this up to clear up a couple of things. First of all, the wrist gauntlet projectile in pred 2 was not the speargun. It is an unnamed weapon to my knowledge, but it closely resembles the energy flechette weapon from primal hunt. Second of all, the spears in primal hunt weren't naginatas, they were just a different take on the combistick. The elder spear in AVP with the blades extending from it was also a combistick, as are the apears from pred 2 & AVP, the elders one was just a modified version. Nagainatas are a much more respected & feared weapon that combisticks & are brandished only by highly honoured warriors such as elders. They are long spears which are usually decorated with trophies & have large bladed ends, usually carved in a ceremonial fashion, here are a couple of naginata pics:


Topdogg, Undefined, 19 years ago

no the preds in avp had spear's the one in primal hunt had a combat stick, the naginat is used by elders and very repected hunters it isnt just a stick with blades on it it is decorated with skulls and is a weapon every pred must show respcet to when drawen out

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

I have a feeling the electroshock missiles, the plasma pistol and the gauntlet plasmacaster are the same...

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

Wrist nuke is THERE IN THE END and the Maul is basically an attack with the wrist blades, sistyk...
See, both combistick and naginata are spears, and both of them are meant for melee fighting and throwing, but the naginata is more for the melee. It has heavy flat blades on one side for sweeping attacks, like that dude said. That's how the Predator in P2 killed those buch of soldiers in the meat locker. And the combistick is for the throwing more. Anyone played primal hunt? The Predator in the title screen has a naginata, while the preds in AvP have combisticks.

cystic_warrior, Undefined, 19 years ago

What about the Maul and the Wrist Nuke thse are two really important weapons an dyou can't forget those!

Sig By Celtic102
It will only Hurt for Eternity!

Topdogg, Undefined, 19 years ago

combat stick is realy like a spear but with massive blades on each end and there spear gun was part of the net gun in pred 2 which i like alot better instead of having it on the wrist like celtic because you could have the plasma guanlet like in pred 2 haha i case you didnt guess pred 2's my fav

Scar_Predator, Undefined, 19 years ago

Thats weird you should have a plasma gun in it too.

Scar_Predator, Undefined, 19 years ago


Ancienthunter, Undefined, 19 years ago

What happened to combistick and in PREDATOR2 I dont think he has a spear gun, but more likehe shoots it out of one his gaunlets.Alsowat about the weapons the Elder was holding in PRED2 near ending.What should we call them,because his blade isnt long enough to be an Actual sword.I say its like Machete(middle sized blade), and looked like he knows how to use it to.By the way do weapons from the books count like the AVP books PREY,HUNTER'SPLANET,WAR.I know or read some where in one of the books that they have weapons that are called burners like automatic plasmarifles.


Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

Uhhmm why isnt there a combistick?

Predators RULE!

the_doctor, Undefined, 19 years ago

shouldnt weapons from the comics be included aswell? seeing as the game ones r there

are you predator or prey?


Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

there was supposed to be a dart gun that was going to be used in pred 2 but never came about but thats a good list.
