Predator Naming

Mishmuf, Yautja, 18 years ago

Alrighty, I've seen in some older topics that there was some debate over the names of the predators in Predator 1 and 2. So I Toke the liberty of making some suggestions for their names. Here they are:

These first 2 are the years in which the predator died;
Pred 1= 1987 Predator
Pred 2= 1997 Predator

The second 2 are named after the people who killed them;
Pred 1= The Dutch Predator
Pred 2= Lt. Harrigan Predator

These final ones are ones that I based on some of their physical features and actions;
Pred 1= The Glowing Eyes Predator (Named after how it's eyes glowed when it saw Mac)
Pred 2= The Dark Predator (Named after it's armor and mask, which were the darkest colored armor we've seen so far)

There you go. Make your pick on what we should call them.

MishmufSig.jpg *sigh* If only I was witty enough to think of something to say here.

navyspaz, Yautja, 18 years ago

Well their called

Predator 1 = Jungle Hunter

Predator 2 = City Hunter

I dont know their actual Yautja names tho. I guess you could call it whatever you want.

Yautja has some weird names, I read in a AvP book of a Yautja named "Lar'Nix'Va".

Stalker, Yautja, 18 years ago

those aren't their actual names, those were just nicknames given to the costumes which resembled them in CJ.


shadowatching, Yautja, 18 years ago

because the predator in the first one is doing more hunting and in the second one its doing mostly stalking for the perfect kill

chance favors the prepared mind are u prepared?!

Deathdrop, Yautja, 18 years ago

I've always thought of Pred 1's name as being "Hunter" and Pred 2's being "Stalker". Don't ask me why.


shadowatching, Yautja, 18 years ago

i have a name for u
spztik'pyro (spaztic pyro is how u say it)

chance favors the prepared mind are u prepared?!

shadowatching, Yautja, 18 years ago

how do u do that pic at the bottom of the screen???

chance favors the prepared mind are u prepared?!

Switcher, Yautja, 18 years ago

not really, Hunting and stalking go hand and hand.

And i also think your asumtion is wrong, theirs more stalking in the first one, the second is a little more to the point, lots of deaths, I mean the Predators first action in the second is slaughtering the drug heads

Voltage-3000, Yautja, 18 years ago

lol dutch predator ou really know how to name them


navyspaz, Yautja, 18 years ago

I know what you mean DD, now that I think of it, those very simple names fit them.

And ShadowWatching plz use the Edit button, Its under your name in your post. Dont post twice in a row, add it to your previous post.
