Predator Dark Jungle Predator Dark Jungle Cast List
Director: Unknown
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They didn't think they'd get away alive; all but one were right. After the U.S. Government got word of the survivor's story, a special forces group was sent to Colombia in hopes of finding the ultimate hunter; the Predator. Captain Reed Donaldson (Cory Bauer) and Leutenant Michael Weis (Joe Lee) keep tight-lipped about the alien hunter while Craig Friedman (Mark Marvin) and John Hastings (Rothanak Chhoun) unknowingly act as prey. If it's real, the four are extracted and replaced with a group to capture the Predator.
"No matter what happens, we get in, we get out."
"Sir, we've got ourselves a situation."
"It's Here."
That and i really think someone has just made that....
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