18 years ago
thats cool otang, but please just be aware of what im saying when your put in this situation again, i fully understand what you mean when you say you unlock the topic to clarify something , and then lock it, But that is getting the last word and your not prepared to hear the opinion on your clarification
By the way , NavySpaz is completely wrong, moderators are NOT here to dictate NOT here to get the last word and NOT here to win arguements , they are here assure the well being of the board and maintain a smooth running of the board, and if there up for it help us provide each other with intresting topics a discussion points and to inforce the rules
Anywayil say no more because like i keepsaying your awsome and i dont want uneeded trouble
***** Please unlock my sigg rules topic so i can take and answer questions , this will speed the process up , i already knew we arent ready to start yet , those are only rules not entries ..... I just want to make sure i havent confused anyone and that everyone knows were they stand with this and whats going on ***** Please e-mail me when your ready to actually start and il create the emtries topic