Peterson, Human, 11 years ago

Post all your AVP related art here.

skull_ripper, Human, 11 years ago

I drew this last night while I watched Water World on VHS with my family.

It is supposed to be my character on here on AVPu, so behold Coldthrone!


The main difference between him and other Yautja visually are his wrist blades, he has two regular ones with one long one in between the normal ones.

-Bloo-, Human, 11 years ago

Is Coldthrone your character's name?

skull_ripper, Human, 11 years ago

^Yes, his given name is Coldthrone. He's only nicknamed Skull ripper.

skull_ripper, Human, 10 years ago

So I received a lot of Lego's as a gift yesterday and thoroughly enjoy them, so I decided to build something out of them, and here is the finished project that I stayed up until 3:00 AM making.

Here is the front view, the foot of the Cryogenic stasis pod is closest to the camera in this Pic.

And Here is the Head of the stasis pod.

Here is a close up of where the head of the occupant rests.

ANd now you must be wondering "What the hell does this have to do with Aliens or Predators?", and here is the picture that clarifies that question.

It is Mala'kak cryogenic stasis pod, and yes this is the Chair Suit Engineer I got at Hastings the other day. I also just built a big-ass navigation chair for it last night and will share that later.

DarkLioness, Human, 10 years ago


tawganator, Human, 10 years ago

Big smile on my face

skull_ripper, Human, 10 years ago

I'm glad you guys like it, I wasn't sure how well received Lego creations would be in an Art thread.