11 years ago
On the other hand, it's fine to make Kony jokes because it's less about mocking the things Kony actually did and more about mocking the teenage "supporters" who did nothing but like pages on Facebook and buy shirts that profited no one but an asshole who claimed to love children.
Fun fact: I accidentally became the leader of such a movement without realizing what I was agreeing to, and it was both horrifying and hilarious. Horrifying, because it was my friends who talked me into it, which made me think Wow, my friends are dumbasses and I might be an even bigger dumbass being friends with these people, and hilarious because I got firsthand knowledge of the bullshit I'd been hearing about on the internet: overly concerned teenagers buying wristbands and watching a 30-minute video that turns them into humanitarians who don't actually do anything except bitch about a thing they don't know anything about.
They made it seem like we were starting just some club that made posters and sold shit for fundraising, which by now I realize I didn't even know what the fuck we would be fundraising for.
Since I was leader, I managed to convince everyone that disbanding was the best way to support the cause, whatever the hell that cause was.
I wanted nothing to do with it at the time, but maybe I should have abused my position more...