14 years ago
DasHydra, please don't take this the wrong way, but is an AvP forum really the best place for you to talk about this?
It's a very private matter, and you're going through an awful lot right now to be worrying about whether we know why Zozobra isn't visiting anymore.
I just don't think this site, where you can't see anyone's voice or see their face or have any meaningful connection with them beyond which space monster you like better, is the best place for you to be right now.
Family and/or friends would be a better bet.
Here's what's going to happen on here:
People are going to say you're lying. Other people are going to flame those people. Then you'll post an article, and the same thing will happen, and we'll have a big stupid flame-war.
After the death of a loved one, that's the last thing in the world you want to get involved in.
And please, don't feel the need to "prove" anything by posting articles. It's none of our buisness to begin with.
So... Yeah. I hope I havn't sounded like a prick here; I'm just trying to explain myself.