Just a quick message to anyone it may concern...
As clan leader of The Shadow Serpents, one of my responsibilities is keeping the clan member list up-to-date and accurate. Over the past few months this site has seen many new members who are eager to join a clan, and once joined, they then never return. This has lead to numerous "empty" additions to my clan, and the time to do some serious house cleaning has come.
I have recently requested all presently active members to post under a specific topic to ensure their place in the clan.
Below is the list of people who have responded to me in the last few weeks. I will update it if necessary.
- Predalien 64
- Ash
- Inferno
- Chestbursted42
- Xenogeneses
- drako12341
- XTheXRougeX
- Ace
- Nick Kang 2.0
If you are a member of the Shadow Serpents and cannot access the clan, you have been deleted due to no activity. Please post in this topic requesting new access to the clan and a place on this list.
We are also on the prowl for new members, as our clan has seen better days.
Thank you all for your time. -Angus

Leader Of The Shadow Serpents.