Message to Shadow Serpents

Angus_Alien, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Just a quick message to anyone it may concern...

As clan leader of The Shadow Serpents, one of my responsibilities is keeping the clan member list up-to-date and accurate. Over the past few months this site has seen many new members who are eager to join a clan, and once joined, they then never return. This has lead to numerous "empty" additions to my clan, and the time to do some serious house cleaning has come.
I have recently requested all presently active members to post under a specific topic to ensure their place in the clan.
Below is the list of people who have responded to me in the last few weeks. I will update it if necessary.

- Predalien 64
- Ash
- Inferno
- Chestbursted42
- Xenogeneses
- drako12341
- XTheXRougeX
- Ace
- Nick Kang 2.0

If you are a member of the Shadow Serpents and cannot access the clan, you have been deleted due to no activity. Please post in this topic requesting new access to the clan and a place on this list.
We are also on the prowl for new members, as our clan has seen better days.

Thank you all for your time. -Angus


Leader Of The Shadow Serpents.

Unknown, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Ah no problem, always liked shadow serpents more than the hive, dunno why though. Glad you guys are still around though.


predalien_64, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

And to all who apply pleas try to be active.


Predalien of the Shadow Serpents

xeno_slayer, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

my brother wants to join the shadow searpents but his account hasnt been activated yet...
his name is shadowhound.

Image hosted by hunters moon

Angus_Alien, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

He sent me an e-mail the other day.

Leader Of The Shadow Serpents

Unknown, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

By the way angus its great to see you, thought shadow serpents was dead, glad to see you guys are still alive and kicking.


Angus_Alien, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Okay, well when he is ready, simply ask him to post in the appropriate topic so I can add him to the clan.

Leader Of The Shadow Serpents

Angus_Alien, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Thank you PREDATOR, that means a lot man. :)

Leader Of The Shadow Serpents

navyspaz, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Wait a second Angus Alien your in Shadow Serpents ?

MessageBoard Rules

Unknown, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

BAH! of course he is in shadow serpents hes the clan leader.


predalien_64, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

NAVYSPAZ, did you see the text below his sig "leader of shadow serpents" all this time.


Predalien of the Shadow Serpents

Angus_Alien, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

LOL It's okay guys, I miss things sometimes too. We're only human.

Leader Of The Shadow Serpents

navyspaz, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

Im yautja :D
EDIT: I knew he was Shadow Serpents, sry I was just bored and wanted to post... lol sry

MessageBoard Rules

cutm3up, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

jeez lmao!!!

navy, you got me splitting my sides...

lol navy is a soon to be comedian


predalien_64, Xenomorph, 19 years ago

SUP, PREDATOR how you doing man.


Predalien of the Shadow Serpents

Angus_Alien, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

Ace, and Nick Kang are now added.

Leader Of The Shadow Serpents

Nick_Kang_20, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

Hmm... Never seen ace around lately where did ya see him Angus?
