17 years ago
You joining the Army too, eh? That's cool.
I'm gonna go through college to earn my fifteen college credits. I'm already talked to a recruiter and a guy at the AEC (Army Education Center) who was a recruiter. He told me that fifteen college credits will equal out as a High School Diploma which will have them over look my GED. After that, I can get my Associates Degree and try to become an officer, and after that, get my Bachelor's Degree and will be earning some good money.
Also, I am preparing myself to become an Airborn Ranger which requires alot of hard training so that is what I am doing. While I am at my dad's, he'll be teaching me how to be a Super Intendent on a Construction site as well as to operate Heavy Machinery so when all else fails, I have something to fall back on to help me regain my footing on life.