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Date: 12/24/2179
Sector: 21
From: Kidd
Today I'm in Sector 21, where the Main Military Base for all Army Personel and the brains of every OPs that is going on to destroy our enemies. Our soldiers won't be back from their OPs until they complete their missions, even it is Christmas Eve, they won't be back to see their families and friends.
I'm in the barracks, ready to be summon by my General which is in a breifing of our next mission. I reaquainted with my old war buddies but most of them is out on missions or dead, and there are alot of new faces, which we soldiers always expected to see when we are sent back into action. A soldier sat beside me and asked me how was Earth, and I said "Still blue as ever." and all the soldiers and I laughed about my answer, just then the InnerCom just called us to the briefing room. So we got our stuff that we needed to go to the Briefing Room.
We sat in there for hours hearing the General telling us what happened in the FrontLine, he told us that some of our Posts defected because of many battles they fought and they never had seen their families for years, and that they are saying the lack of leadership, kept them there to die. He told us, it is our mission to eliminate these traitors and get the whole Army back in fighting order. We looked at each other knowing we have to kill our brethren or let the Predators take it over for there own use, so we agreed on the General's order and we will ready ourself to defeat these traitors.
We walked back to our barracks heart broken, because these traitors' families will recieve a letter that contains a lie that they died in battle fighting for our race, for our survival in the galaxy. We all looked at each other not saying a word, because we all know what we are thinking.
Next morning, we put our gear on and got on the DropShips that is going to take us to these traitors so that we can destroy them.
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Look around each corner before you move because the chances are, you are not gonna make it.