How you became a fan?

ragnarok521, Yautja, 12 years ago

I actually first of all met AVP movie , I was in france and I saw the posters everywhere and I said like hey , hat movie looks cool most the guy at the right (pred) , When I saw AVP requiem and I was like A-W-E-S-O-M-E I heard it was bloody so my mum wont let (well actually she wont go) me see it , but offcors I saw it later on TV. Also I saw there were going play Alien on moviecity so I was going to see it and I asked my mum if she wanted to see it , and guess : No , its bloody

._. Alright so I saw it and ... Thats how I met the AVP stuff and then I found this page ...

alienxeno, Yautja, 12 years ago

i met it by seeing my dad say:MY HOLY F**iNG GOD THEY HAVE AVP CLASSIC 2000 ON THE BLACK MARKET DAM***!
and i was like:what the hell dad?why scream so loud in a public place?then i looked.that was the first time i saw a alien or predator.but before i saw it....i tought the alien was like those old school aliens and the predator an animal.when i saw bet i shit bricks!i was like 6!6 years old!
that is when i begged my dad to buy it and gues what....we buyed 2!to play online!

this is why i have all the first person games.aliens colonial marines.....i will beg my mother!

-Bloo-, Yautja, 12 years ago

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

alienxeno, Yautja, 12 years ago

please.....spell right....

Deathdrop, Yautja, 12 years ago

I think he's asking where our first experience with A/P came from.

alienxeno, Yautja, 12 years ago

he does....

-Bloo-, Yautja, 12 years ago

@DD: From what I gathered, I... I don't know what I gathered.

My first experience was watching one of the Quadrilogy with my dad and sister. I think it was Resurrection.

badapple24, Yautja, 12 years ago

My friend at school introduced me too it and I eventually watched AVP with my Parents and LOVED IT then went on to watch predator and alien seperatly

Titulus12, Yautja, 12 years ago

To be honest as a beardless boy I had already watched all the alien movies and when I saw the AVP poster I instantly saw the alien on it. When I looked to the right the child that I was saw a robot. So I was curious as to why was their a robot. Here in my lovely country I could easily go buy a dvd version of it and when I took it home to watch I realized it was actually another Alien called a Predator from that day I also became a Predator fan and an AVP fan.

EliteHunter13, Yautja, 12 years ago

Saw some trailers for the movies, didn't think much of them at first, bru then I saw them on tv and I was like,"Wow! This is amazing! Especially the epic Predators, slaughtering hundreds of Aliens all at the same time"

god-of-death, Yautja, 12 years ago

i first became a fan when i was at my house i keeped seeing the avp movie and i looked at the cover then i thought to myself that looks like a cool movie. i watched it and became an avp geek.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 12 years ago

What's interesting here is how many people were introduced through the first AVP movie. We rag on it a lot, but it's unarguably had the effect of making more A/P fans.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 12 years ago

I appreciate it because we hate it and that makes us adore our source material even more. It's a necessary evil - like how Requiem made us realize that AVP actually isn't the worst thing ever.

For the record, I never did loathe it with a passion like many others claim - sure it sucks, and I might front the sophisticated dick-joke-making cool guy act, but even I get really excited when a Predator swings around a screaming Alien in slow motion.

alienxeno, Yautja, 12 years ago

that was just aweesome!that alien is like:shiiiii
and the predator:yeah what now!huh?!?LOL

Blizzard, Yautja, 12 years ago

The way I found AVP was when I was 6 and i was looking in the attic and found some of my dads video games one of them was a game called "Aliens vs predator 1999 " so after installing it I found myself biting marines heads off and I love THats when my brother made a fatal mistake he said "look Daddy you can rip his arms off " and the game was confiscated
Ever since I have been obsessed

alienxeno, Yautja, 12 years ago

shit....thats just awfull......krio does that to me.....a lot.

concretehunter, Yautja, 12 years ago

I saw alien resurrection then AvP and the rest is history!

madluke394, Yautja, 12 years ago

looking through my dvd collection and found the boxset of all the aliens, predators, avp 1 and 2. I thought it looked pretty cool and asked my parents what it was about, i started watching it and spent the whole weekend watching one after another. best films i have seen. They are my childhood really :p aha, i love the films and concept/idea of it all, its awesome.....

Darkmoon, Yautja, 12 years ago

Well actually for me, It was when my Grandad gave me Alien vs Predator the game

Hanei, Yautja, 12 years ago

I watched the first AVP then played and still own AVP Extinction, awesome game

batmanbegins123, Yautja, 12 years ago

i saw the end of RESURRECTION a long time ago. i was like all,"crap! that sucker just got his guts vaccumed into space! but whats the point." i never really looked into it. then, a couple years later, i saw the end of PREDATOR 2 and was like,"that things cool! is that an alien skull on the wall?" i had heard of avp and thought that was like a clue to the movie. so i saw ALIEN and was like"what his chest just exploded and an alien came out!" and i got the rest of the movies for my b-day and some from my savings. except predator movies still dont have those.