-=How not to be seen, by Malus and Vevlaa=-

vevlaa, Human, 16 years ago


Me and Malus were having a chat on MSN, and typical of a lot of conversations that we have, it turned into on big lolfest. We got onto the topic of the Monty Python Movies, and here's what we came up.

How not to be seen.

(Narrated by Vevlaa)
Vevlaa: "In this program, we will teach you how not to be seen. In this picture, there are 47 people. None of them can be seen."
"And this is our old friend Peterson. He cannot be seen. I am going to ask him to stand up. Peterson, will you stand up please?"

-=Peterson stands up and waves, only to be gutted by a burst from the Waffle's chaingun=-

Vevlaa: "This demonstrates the value of not being seen."

-=Image of a clear field with a single bush in the middle=-

Vevlaa: "And this is Xeuss, from DBO. He cannot be seen either. I am going to ask him to stand up. Xeuss, will you stand up please?"

-=Nothing happens=-

Vevlaa: "Ah. Xeuss has learned the first lesson of not being seen. Do not stand up. However, he has chosen a very obvious hiding spot."

-=A missile from the Waffle destroys the bush. A scream can be heard. Cuts to a picture of the same field with three bushes in a row.=-

Vevlaa: "And this is Pv2, from Balatu. He has given us a poser. We do not know which of the three bushes he is hiding in, but we will soon find out."

-=A missile takes out the bush to the left. Then the right. Then the middle one. A scream can be heard=-

Vevlaa: "Ah, yes. He was in the middle one."
"Kidd and TDN, both from Alpha Draconis, were smart enough to go on holiday without telling us. Fortunately for us, a neighbor told us where the went."

-=Cuts to an image of a holiday shack in the forest exploding under heavy missile fire.=-

Vevlaa: "And this is the neighbor who told us."
-=Saysell is standing on the footpath when a missile blows him to bits. Only his boots are left.=-
Vevlaa: "And this is where he lived.=-
-=The Waffle proceeds to blow up the house he was standing in front of.=-
Vevlaa: "And this is where he was born."
-=Image of the Waffle blowing up a hospital. Vevlaa laughs in the background."

MALUS: "Right! Stop that! It's silly! And now, for something completely different."

"Falling past the cockpit"

-=Vevlaa and Xavier are piloting the Waffle. Someone falls down past it.=-

XAVIER: "Hey! Did you see that?"
VEVLAA: "Hmm?"
XAVIER: "Someone just went past that cockpit!"
XAVIER: "Someone just went past that cockpit, downwards!"
-=Vevlaa shrugs and goes back to flying. Another person falls down past it=-

XAVIER: "Another one!"
VEVLAA: "Hmm?"
XAVIER: "Another one just fell past that cockpit, downwards."
VEVLAA: "Fine, fine."
XAVIER: "No! Two..er...Three people have just fallen past that cockpit!"
VEVLAA: "Must be an NCO meeting."
XAVIER: "Oh yeah."

-=Someone else falls past the cockpit=-
XAVIER: "That was Delta, of 1st Squad."
VEVLAA: "No, it was Fletcher."
XAVIER: "Delta."
VEVLAA: "No, it was Fletcher!"
-=Delta falls past the cockpit=-
XAVIER: "That was Delta."
VEVLAA: "Oh yeah. It'll be Malus next."
XAVIER: "Bet you it won't."
VEVLAA: "How much? A million?"
XAVIER: "Sure."
VEVLAA: "Come on Malus, Jump!"
XAVIER: "Don't be stupid, Malus!"

MALUS: "RIGHT! That's silly, too. Enough of this, it stops here!"

xeno_slayer, Human, 16 years ago


That was amazing.

shadowatching, Human, 16 years ago

I love that show -imitates Gir-

-shakes head- anyway, Love it and should show some of mine sometime, but meh. Keep it up guys.

outcast, Human, 16 years ago


u did good job.

Peterson, Human, 16 years ago

Yes funny truely but next time please make sure you have the users premission before adding them to nonsense. Besides this is spam and should be posted in the off chat topic. Please and thank you.

DeathWraith, Human, 16 years ago

Meh, there's no need for permission to be added to nonsense, what would the fake porn industry live on then?

It was kinda funny, but i must say, i would not hide behind a bush, people throw shoes at them!

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Human, 16 years ago

Heh heh heh. I'll be working on such lols as 'The funniest joke in the world' next.