I dont do any of the three. Having beaten P:CJ, I do long drawn out hunts of indivdual prey on the following levels:
1. Dead Men Walking (I personally dont like this one too much, as the civilian activity is minimal)
2. Skin Trade (I love this one! All the good bits from DMW are, whilst there is more civilians!)
3. Under the Gun (This one is okay. Nothing too fancy. I come here when I'm bored of the other two, or just want a chalenge
Anywho, my hunting style is as follows:
I select a suitible enemy/civilian (If I'm feeling mean, that is), and that's when I scan them. I scan through as many vision modes as possible, untill either
1. The target is out of sight
2. I have scanned through all the visions
I then cloak, and follow my victim, occiasonally letting out a roar in third person, or confusing the hapless creature using vocal mimicry. After five of so minutes of this, I'll either
1. Run up behind the human, and grab it, then take it to some high up place to torture it.
2. Execute it using my wrist-blades
3. Snipe it with my spear gun (Only if it is about to leave the map)